If you are really serious about knowing how to get back together with your girlfriend, you need to be ready to make a few drastic changes in your life.
Whenever a guy loses his girlfriend, he immediately wants to know how to change his girlfriend's mind so that she is willing to come back to him again.
But the truth of the matter is, YOU need to change, not her.
This might come as a surprise to many, but the reason she walked out of the relationship was YOU.
Unless you change, nothing has changed in the situation.
If you are still the same, what makes you think she will come back to face the same old problem all over again?! If you really want her back, you must make the effort to change yourself.
If you are not willing to change, it means that you are self-centered in the relationship and there is probably no hope for you together.
A lot of couples make this mistake over and over again.
First they have a problem.
Then they split up.
Pretty soon, one of them goes pleading behind the other to come back.
Then they get back together again.
But the problem is, nothing has really changed in the relationship.
The situation is still the same.
Sooner or later, the same issues crop up and then they are back to square one! I am sure you have heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
It is very true when it comes to conflict in relationships.
People don't want to change their behavior, but they expect different results.
An abusive guy wants to stay abusive in the relationship, but he wants the relationship to get better.
A guy who cheats on his girl wants to continue with his habit, but he wants the relationship to improve.
A guy who is jobless wants to continue to stay jobless, but wants his girlfriend to accept him anyway.
The list goes on and on...
Get this right.
If you don't change, nothing really has changed in your relationship.
You may be able to convince her to come back.
But the problems will start all over again pretty soon.
But if you are really serious about your relationship, then you would make the effort to change yourself.
Whenever a guy loses his girlfriend, he immediately wants to know how to change his girlfriend's mind so that she is willing to come back to him again.
But the truth of the matter is, YOU need to change, not her.
This might come as a surprise to many, but the reason she walked out of the relationship was YOU.
Unless you change, nothing has changed in the situation.
If you are still the same, what makes you think she will come back to face the same old problem all over again?! If you really want her back, you must make the effort to change yourself.
If you are not willing to change, it means that you are self-centered in the relationship and there is probably no hope for you together.
A lot of couples make this mistake over and over again.
First they have a problem.
Then they split up.
Pretty soon, one of them goes pleading behind the other to come back.
Then they get back together again.
But the problem is, nothing has really changed in the relationship.
The situation is still the same.
Sooner or later, the same issues crop up and then they are back to square one! I am sure you have heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
It is very true when it comes to conflict in relationships.
People don't want to change their behavior, but they expect different results.
An abusive guy wants to stay abusive in the relationship, but he wants the relationship to get better.
A guy who cheats on his girl wants to continue with his habit, but he wants the relationship to improve.
A guy who is jobless wants to continue to stay jobless, but wants his girlfriend to accept him anyway.
The list goes on and on...
Get this right.
If you don't change, nothing really has changed in your relationship.
You may be able to convince her to come back.
But the problems will start all over again pretty soon.
But if you are really serious about your relationship, then you would make the effort to change yourself.