- 1). Establish a clean break. Acceptance is important and the longer you remain in denial, the longer it will take you to begin to desensitize. The worst thing to do during a breakup is to drag things out longer than is necessary. Accept that it's over, and begin the next process of desensitizing.
- 2). Stay busy. The more that you have on your plate, the less time you will have to dwell on old memories and emotions. There are several ways to go about staying busy. For instance, you may volunteer for more hours at work, which could be doubly good in that it may lead to more money and perhaps a promotion. Don't run yourself ragged to the point of exhaustion, but try to avoid downtime.
- 3). Reinvent yourself. A good start would be taking up a new hobby or revisiting an old one. For example, did you always love bowling, but your recent ex dismissed it as a waste of time? Get back out there and join a league. Also, try visiting somewhere that you've never been. Not only is this good for broadening your horizons, but it can be effective in that it's somewhere that you and your ex have never been. The more new experiences that you embark upon that don't remind you of anything about the relationship, the better.