- 1). Launch Windows Live Photo Gallery 2011. The left side of the window shows all of the folders on your computer storing photos that Windows Live Photo Gallery has detected. If you don't see the folder with the photo in which you want to fix red eye, click the blue button in the upper left corner of the window and then click "Include Folder" to add it.
- 2). Click the name of the folder containing the photo in which you want to fix red eye. You should now see the photo on the right side of the window. Double-click the photo to open it and display Windows Live Photo Gallery's editing tools.
- 3). Click the "Edit" tab at the top of the window, and then click the "Red Eye" button in the "Adjustments" section of the toolbar.
- 4). Click and drag with the mouse pointer to outline one of the red eyes in the photo. Windows Live Photo Gallery corrects the eye.
- 5). Repeat Step 4 until you have corrected all of the red eyes in the photo.
- 6). Click the "Close File" button in the upper right corner of the window to commit the changes to the photo, or click the "Revert to Original" button to discard the changes.