- While rubies are mined worldwide, the best known mines are located in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and of course, Burma (Myanmar).
- Rubies are members of the corundum family and are identical to the sapphire except in color.
- Burmese ruby, also known as "pigeon's blood ruby," is identified by its dark, blood-red color that has a slight hint of blue. While these stones are mainly found in Burma, it is the color, not the location they are mined in, that gives them their name.
- Burmese rubies are famous for their exceptional coloring. However, they are rarely found in stones larger than 3 carats. Most rubies have some inclusions (flaws), though this seldom affects their value.
- Because of the political instability in Burma, ruby production is down. In 2003, President George W. Bush signed a law banning certain Burmese products from importation. While rubies are not specified in this law, all goods that are mined are.