Just a few months ago, I was completely obsessed with getting my ex back.
You see, we had just broken up and I just couldn't get over him.
I kept thinking how badly I wanted him back and all the great times we had.
In fact, that was my first problem.
I was wasting my time going over the past instead of moving forward.
If you're in the same spot, fact is things are not the same as they were before you went your separate ways.
Get over it and start figuring out what you can do to make things change in the future instead.
Which brings me to the main point here -- why not just take advantage of the fact that you are now apart to make your ex want you back.
Personally, once I shook myself back into shape, I figured that the only way I was getting my ex back was to pretend like I was totally over him and was moving on to a better life.
So, here's what you must do, at least in the beginning -- don't answer e-mails from your ex, don't accept visits from him or her, and don't even talk over the phone.
What you're aiming to achieve is to let your ex think that you are the one thing missing in his or her life and to start longing for you.
Just knowing that you've moved on and have been able to put him or her behind you, I promise you, your ex will start to feel a fresh and hungry desire for you.
Even pangs of jealousy if someone else were to make a move on you.
He or she will beat themselves up over having lost you and start obsessing about being in your arms again.
The most important thing to do is to stay cool and let things happen gradually.
Don't be so anxious as to just fling your arms open and welcome your ex back at the first sign the ice is thawing.
Just fan the winds of obsession in your ex.
From personal experience, I can tell you that this was the hardest thing I had to do when I was working on getting my ex back.
You just need to know how to play the game because if you don't know how to, you'd better be prepared to lose your ex forever.
You see, we had just broken up and I just couldn't get over him.
I kept thinking how badly I wanted him back and all the great times we had.
In fact, that was my first problem.
I was wasting my time going over the past instead of moving forward.
If you're in the same spot, fact is things are not the same as they were before you went your separate ways.
Get over it and start figuring out what you can do to make things change in the future instead.
Which brings me to the main point here -- why not just take advantage of the fact that you are now apart to make your ex want you back.
Personally, once I shook myself back into shape, I figured that the only way I was getting my ex back was to pretend like I was totally over him and was moving on to a better life.
So, here's what you must do, at least in the beginning -- don't answer e-mails from your ex, don't accept visits from him or her, and don't even talk over the phone.
What you're aiming to achieve is to let your ex think that you are the one thing missing in his or her life and to start longing for you.
Just knowing that you've moved on and have been able to put him or her behind you, I promise you, your ex will start to feel a fresh and hungry desire for you.
Even pangs of jealousy if someone else were to make a move on you.
He or she will beat themselves up over having lost you and start obsessing about being in your arms again.
The most important thing to do is to stay cool and let things happen gradually.
Don't be so anxious as to just fling your arms open and welcome your ex back at the first sign the ice is thawing.
Just fan the winds of obsession in your ex.
From personal experience, I can tell you that this was the hardest thing I had to do when I was working on getting my ex back.
You just need to know how to play the game because if you don't know how to, you'd better be prepared to lose your ex forever.