The trick to using reverse psychology to get your ex back is you have to make them think you don't need them.
The most important part of reverse psychology is to make your ex come to you.
That means you do not want to initiate any contact with your ex.
Do not call them, do not text message them, do not arrange to meet your ex in person.
Within the first couple of days, your ex may think that since they haven't heard from you, that you are sitting at home being miserable.
Since you have a plan, you know that isn't true.
Spend this time getting in touch with friends and family members you may have neglected since beginning your relationship with your ex.
They will be glad to hear from you, and it will give you the ego boost that you need.
After a few days, you should start going out and having fun! When your ex sees that you are doing ok, it will make them remember how much fun it is to be around you.
When they call, be friendly and open to conversation.
Be sure you don't sound needy or desperate.
Don't beg, plead or apologize, do not mention the breakup.
This will get your ex thinking about you, and wondering what has transpired.
You will soon be getting a phone call from your ex wanting to talk about your relationship, and getting back together.
Your goal, as stated above, is to show your ex that you don't need them, but that doesn't mean that you don't want them.
If you keep that in mind, you will have little to no problems getting your ex back using reverse psychology.
The most important part of reverse psychology is to make your ex come to you.
That means you do not want to initiate any contact with your ex.
Do not call them, do not text message them, do not arrange to meet your ex in person.
Within the first couple of days, your ex may think that since they haven't heard from you, that you are sitting at home being miserable.
Since you have a plan, you know that isn't true.
Spend this time getting in touch with friends and family members you may have neglected since beginning your relationship with your ex.
They will be glad to hear from you, and it will give you the ego boost that you need.
After a few days, you should start going out and having fun! When your ex sees that you are doing ok, it will make them remember how much fun it is to be around you.
When they call, be friendly and open to conversation.
Be sure you don't sound needy or desperate.
Don't beg, plead or apologize, do not mention the breakup.
This will get your ex thinking about you, and wondering what has transpired.
You will soon be getting a phone call from your ex wanting to talk about your relationship, and getting back together.
Your goal, as stated above, is to show your ex that you don't need them, but that doesn't mean that you don't want them.
If you keep that in mind, you will have little to no problems getting your ex back using reverse psychology.