If you have had a recent relationship breakup, you will be reacting as any woman would if they have had their heart broken. You will be desperate to get your ex boyfriend back. The breakup was not your idea and you want things back the way they were. You want to talk to your ex and see if things can be straightened out, but before you do anything you should sit down and follow these 3 expert tips.
1. Do you really want your ex boyfriend back because you love him or is it just embarrassment and humiliation that is driving you? You would be surprised at how many couples stay together so they won't be lonely. There might be affection, but no true love. Don't let yourself be trapped in such a situation. Without true love, there can be no true happiness.
2. If you come to the conclusion that you do sincerely love your guy, you should do everything possible to get him back. This will start by figuring out what happened to make your ex boyfriend unhappy enough to want to get away from you. It will take some searching, but you must face the facts, no matter how painful it might be. Then you need to think of away to fix the mistakes that were made.
3. By doing this deep thinking about your relationship, you might find that although you love your ex, the two of you are not compatible. You have a strong physical attraction, but that is as far as it goes. If the two of you do not like doing the same things and are constantly at odds, it probably won't get any better. Physical attraction will die out and later with children, you could find yourself heading for divorce court.
After all of this soul searching, if you still want your ex boyfriend back, it will be time to contact him. Nothing can be solved without communication, but you must be prepared and know what you want to say. So, make a list of the things you want to talk about and memorize the list. You will want to know if he is as interested as you are in working to make the changes that will be necessary.
By this time, there should have been enough time since the breakup for your ex boyfriend to be missing you. Give him a call and see if he would be willing to meet you for coffee. Have the meeting in a public place so there won't be any shouting or worse physical violence. You will need to do some plain talking and make sure your ex boyfriend is serious about the relationship.
If you feel he is as committed to the relationship as you are, start slowly and have a few dates to see how things work out. Don't fool yourself and think things will get better. It will be easier to end things now and walk away than later when you have allowed yourself to have hopes of a happy future again.
1. Do you really want your ex boyfriend back because you love him or is it just embarrassment and humiliation that is driving you? You would be surprised at how many couples stay together so they won't be lonely. There might be affection, but no true love. Don't let yourself be trapped in such a situation. Without true love, there can be no true happiness.
2. If you come to the conclusion that you do sincerely love your guy, you should do everything possible to get him back. This will start by figuring out what happened to make your ex boyfriend unhappy enough to want to get away from you. It will take some searching, but you must face the facts, no matter how painful it might be. Then you need to think of away to fix the mistakes that were made.
3. By doing this deep thinking about your relationship, you might find that although you love your ex, the two of you are not compatible. You have a strong physical attraction, but that is as far as it goes. If the two of you do not like doing the same things and are constantly at odds, it probably won't get any better. Physical attraction will die out and later with children, you could find yourself heading for divorce court.
After all of this soul searching, if you still want your ex boyfriend back, it will be time to contact him. Nothing can be solved without communication, but you must be prepared and know what you want to say. So, make a list of the things you want to talk about and memorize the list. You will want to know if he is as interested as you are in working to make the changes that will be necessary.
By this time, there should have been enough time since the breakup for your ex boyfriend to be missing you. Give him a call and see if he would be willing to meet you for coffee. Have the meeting in a public place so there won't be any shouting or worse physical violence. You will need to do some plain talking and make sure your ex boyfriend is serious about the relationship.
If you feel he is as committed to the relationship as you are, start slowly and have a few dates to see how things work out. Don't fool yourself and think things will get better. It will be easier to end things now and walk away than later when you have allowed yourself to have hopes of a happy future again.