When a women ends a relationship, she usually does it for a reason.
You'll need to identify why your break up occurred before you can have any chance of winning your ex back.
This involves being brutally honest with yourself, and examining the situation from an outside perspective.
It also involves time and patience, and these are traits most men who are desperate to fix a break up simply don't have.
This leads to rash behavior and poor decision making, which only pushes your ex-girlfriend further away from you.
The following listed behaviors are extremely detrimental to your goal of making your ex want you again.
Although some of these might seem like good ideas, they're actually counterproductive to getting back together.
Avoiding them is crucial.
Take a look, and see which ones you're guilty of: * Getting Angry - You cannot take out your break up out on your ex...
not if you want any chance of dating her again.
Once the impact of losing her hits you, it's pretty common to feel angry and betrayed by the fact that you got dumped.
Get over it.
You want to get your ex back, not pick all new fights with her.
* Begging for Forgiveness - No one wants to see a grown man begging, including your ex girlfriend.
In fact, especially your ex girlfriend.
This is why you've got to pull yourself together and maintain a high level of self-respect.
Take a good look at yourself, and see if you're acting pitifully.
If you suspect you are, you can be damn sure your ex feels the same way.
She won't want you back if she doesn't respect you.
* Still Trying to Control Her - Believe it or not, some guys still try to control their ex-girlfriends even after the break up.
These are the overbearing, dominating types of guys who gave their partners very little breathing room (which is probably why they left).
Somehow, they still cling to control even while trying to convince their exgirlfriends to come back to them.
Of course, this only pushes them away and re-enforces their decision to end the relationship.
* Buying Your Way Back In - Getting your ex back is all about making her miss you, not miss the things you can buy her.
The way to a woman's heart shouldn't be through your wallet, and if it is? You don't want that girl to begin with.
Go out and find one who loves you for who you are, not what you can buy for them.
* Laying a Guilt Trip - Trying to make your ex feel guilty that she dumped you is a colossal mistake.
Even if such an approach could work, you'd only end up getting back together for a brief period of time.
She'd begrudge the fact that you strong-armed her back into the relationship, and she'd dump you again at the next major fight.
Or maybe even before that.
* Giving Her Ultimatums - This is another strange thing men do when they've lost all control.
You've tried to win back your girlfriend, but when everything else has failed to work you suddenly bark out an angry deadline or ultimatum for her return.
Think this works? Of course not.
You can't bully your ex into coming back any more than you can guilt her.
Hell, you can't even persuade her! You need to make her want you back - only then will she be ready to date you again.
You'll need to identify why your break up occurred before you can have any chance of winning your ex back.
This involves being brutally honest with yourself, and examining the situation from an outside perspective.
It also involves time and patience, and these are traits most men who are desperate to fix a break up simply don't have.
This leads to rash behavior and poor decision making, which only pushes your ex-girlfriend further away from you.
The following listed behaviors are extremely detrimental to your goal of making your ex want you again.
Although some of these might seem like good ideas, they're actually counterproductive to getting back together.
Avoiding them is crucial.
Take a look, and see which ones you're guilty of: * Getting Angry - You cannot take out your break up out on your ex...
not if you want any chance of dating her again.
Once the impact of losing her hits you, it's pretty common to feel angry and betrayed by the fact that you got dumped.
Get over it.
You want to get your ex back, not pick all new fights with her.
* Begging for Forgiveness - No one wants to see a grown man begging, including your ex girlfriend.
In fact, especially your ex girlfriend.
This is why you've got to pull yourself together and maintain a high level of self-respect.
Take a good look at yourself, and see if you're acting pitifully.
If you suspect you are, you can be damn sure your ex feels the same way.
She won't want you back if she doesn't respect you.
* Still Trying to Control Her - Believe it or not, some guys still try to control their ex-girlfriends even after the break up.
These are the overbearing, dominating types of guys who gave their partners very little breathing room (which is probably why they left).
Somehow, they still cling to control even while trying to convince their exgirlfriends to come back to them.
Of course, this only pushes them away and re-enforces their decision to end the relationship.
* Buying Your Way Back In - Getting your ex back is all about making her miss you, not miss the things you can buy her.
The way to a woman's heart shouldn't be through your wallet, and if it is? You don't want that girl to begin with.
Go out and find one who loves you for who you are, not what you can buy for them.
* Laying a Guilt Trip - Trying to make your ex feel guilty that she dumped you is a colossal mistake.
Even if such an approach could work, you'd only end up getting back together for a brief period of time.
She'd begrudge the fact that you strong-armed her back into the relationship, and she'd dump you again at the next major fight.
Or maybe even before that.
* Giving Her Ultimatums - This is another strange thing men do when they've lost all control.
You've tried to win back your girlfriend, but when everything else has failed to work you suddenly bark out an angry deadline or ultimatum for her return.
Think this works? Of course not.
You can't bully your ex into coming back any more than you can guilt her.
Hell, you can't even persuade her! You need to make her want you back - only then will she be ready to date you again.