- The Lowrance iFinder H2O GPS unit will automatically find your current position once the GPS unit is turned on. Acquiring a minimum of three GPS satellites for longitude and latitude information should take less than a minute if you have an unobstructed sky.
- After the Lowrance iFinder H2O GPS unit has acquired enough satellites to determine your position, you will see your current position depicted in the center of the map display screen. You can zoom in to see your current position in greater detail using the "ZIN" key button or zoom out to see less detail but a larger area using the "ZOUT" key button.
- As you move by foot, boat or car from your initial position, the Lowrance iFinder H2O GPS unit will automatically keep track of your position and keep your current location on the center of the map display.
- Use the arrow keys to select points of interest on the map display screen. As you move the arrow away from your position you can view the the latitude and longitude of the arrow location, the bearing to the arrow position from your current position, and the distance from your current position to the arrow location on the lower portion of the screen.
- The Lowrance iFinder H2O GPS unit is able to instantaneously mark a "home waypoint" which can serve has a reference point as you move away from your starting location. Select "Enter" over the area on the map you want to save as your "home waypoint." When prompted, select "Yes" and "Enter" to confirm the home waypoint.The waypoint will appear as an "X" on the map display and will be labeled "Home."
Current Position
Map Display
Tracking Your Movement
Using the Arrow Keys
Select a Home Waypoint