- 1). Determine the size and shape of your whoopee cushion. It should be somewhat circular and the size of a standard throw pillow with a small bottleneck opening.
- 2). Purchase the thin rubber, scissors and glue at the arts and craft store.
- 3). Outline the shape of your whoopee cushion on the top side of one piece of rubber. Remember the bottleneck opening.
- 4). Trim the shape of your whoopee cushion with your scissors. The smaller end of the bottleneck should be toward the cushion itself, to create as little airflow as possible and therefore create the "embarrassing" sound.
- 5). Place the cut rubber on the second piece of uncut rubber and trim to match.
- 6). Glue both pieces of finished trimmed rubber together, except for the opening. Try to glue the neck as close together as possible while still leaving room for airflow. Both sides of the neck should be glued securely.
- 7). Let dry.
- 8). Blow air into the whoopee cushion. No air should escape. If it does, the neck needs to be glued more tightly together.
- 9). Place the whoopee cushion under the cushion of a chair or couch of an unsuspecting family member or friend and anticipate their surprise!
Getting Started