- 1). Mix 3/4 cup glue with 1/4 cup water in a plastic bowl. Stir until combined.
- 2). Fill a second bowl with water.
- 3). Dust your porcelain mold with cornstarch. Tap off any excess. This will help your papier mache from sticking.
- 4). Dip a strip of paper into the glue mixture. Use your fingers to wipe any excess glue from the paper. Smooth the paper into the mold, taking care to remove any air bubbles. If the mold has a nose-shape, or other deep voids, fill those with small layers of papier mache before you move onto the larger areas. Continue dipping the paper strips into the glue and placing them in the molds slightly overlapping until the mold is covered with the first layer.
- 5). Dip your fingers into the bowl of water if they become too sticky.
- 6). Apply a second and third layer of mache to the mold. Allow the mold to dry for at least 24 hours. You can add more layers of papier mache the next day, depending on how strong you want the papier mache.
- 7). Wait until the mache is completely dry before unmolding the papier mache. Gently guide the mache out of the mold by loosening the sides with a putty knife. If the mold does not release, the bottom layers may not be dry yet; set the mold aside, checking every hour to see if the mold will release.
- 8). Apply acrylic paint to the papier mache to finish the project.