- 1). Turn off the fuse that gives power to your garbage disposal. Use kitchen tongs to remove any large pieces of debris that may be stuck in the unit. Turn the fuse back on once everything has been removed.
- 2). Pour 1 cup distilled white vinegar into an ice cube tray, putting equal amounts of vinegar in each cube. Finish filling the cubes with cool water, and place the tray in the freezer until the mixture is frozen.
- 3). Insert the vinegar ice cubes into the garbage disposal. Turn the unit on, and allow it to pulverize the cubes. Rinse the garbage disposal with cool water for approximately two minutes.
- 4). Fill your sink up halfway with cool water. Remove the drain plug, and turn on the garbage disposal. The water will be pulled down through the unit. This clears the drain line, ridding it of stubborn foods that wouldn't go down otherwise.
- 5). Cut a lemon into quarters, and insert the pieces into the garbage disposal. Turn on the faucet, and then start the garbage disposal. This freshens up the unit, getting rid of nasty food odors.