- 1). Spray surface and allow to sit for five to ten minutes. If your range has burner grates remove these before spraying cook top. You may run warm dish water with a little degreasing dish soap and let them soak while you clean the rest of the cook top.
- 2). After cook top has had a chance to sit and soak, use hot water and scrub spot for thirty seconds.
- 3). Wring out sponge, re-wet with hot water, and scrub again. Repeat until spot is gone.
- 4). Cleaning up spills promptly can make them easier to remove. Some acidic and sugary foods can cause permanent damage to the cook top, so clean up spills right away. Also cleaning entire stove once a week can reduce the amount of scrubbing needed to remove those tough stains.
- 5). Tough, stuck-on stains can be removed by making a paste with one part salt, three parts baking sods and water.
Cleaning a Cook Top Range