- 1). Click the "Start" button, then click "Control Panel."
- 2). Click the "Switch to Classic View" command on the left side of the window, then double-click the "Administrative Tools" icon.
- 3). Double-click the "Services" icon. This brings up a new window with a list of each Windows XP service.
- 4). Double-click the service that you want to restore to its default setting.
- 5). Click the "Startup Type" pull-down menu and select "Automatic," "Manual" or "Disabled" depending on the correct setting for the service. If you are not sure what the default setting for the service is, use the Microsoft list of Windows XP services (see Resources).
- 6). Click "OK" to save the new settings for the service and repeat this process until you have restored the default setting for each service.
- 1). Open a web browser and navigate to the Service Manager for Windows Operating Systems (see Resources).
- 2). Click the "Windows XP" graphic under "Select Your Operating System Below." The screen changes to display the default settings for all of the Windows XP services. If you do not see this and are running Internet Explorer 6, you may need to update your browser.
- 3). Click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the window. The browser opens a download window for the file "services.reg." Save the file to the desktop.
- 4). Close the web browser and double-click "services.reg." Windows asks you to confirm that you want to import the file into the registry. Click "Yes," then click "OK."
- 5). Restart the computer. When the computer finishes restarting, all of the Windows XP services will be reset to their default startup settings.
Restoring Windows XP Services Manually
Restoring Windows XP Services Automatically