- 1). Remove any large rocks, brush and perennial weeds. Perennial weeds can grow up through the finished raised bed.
- 2). Remove soil humps with a shovel to create a level building area measuring four feet by eight feet. This will help give you a flat area to install your pressure treated lumber bed.
- 3). Lay your lumber out in a rectangle that measures four feet by eight feet. A four foot bed will make working from either side more convenient. This puts the center line of the bed within arm's reach. You can change the length of the bed by using longer boards on the sides.
- 4). Screw the corners together with an electric screwdriver and 4-inch galvanized screws. Use four screws equally spaced on each corner. Set your framework in your building area. Check to make sure that the framework touches the ground at all corners. Fill in any gaps that occur between the wood and the ground.
- 5). Hammer the 24 inch wooden stakes into the ground in the inside corners of the framework. These stakes hold the framework in place so it does not move while you work with your garden bed. The top of the stakes need to be even with the top of the framework.
- 6). Fill your raised bed with good amended soil. Rake the soil into the corners and level the bed off.