- Turn a paper plate upside down. Decorate the bottom of the plate to look like a cow’s face using markers or crayons. Then color on spots, a nose, a mouth and eyes. Cut ears and horns, if you want your cow to be a bull, from construction paper. Staple the ears and horns to the edge of the plate where they should be. Use scissors or a craft knife to cut out the pupils of the eyes and the nostrils of the nose. Staple a 12-inch length of string on either side of the plate to tie the completed mask to your head.
- Turn a dessert-sized paper plate and dinner-sized paper plate upside down. Place the smaller plate on top of the larger one, positioning it so the bottom edge of the small plate is 1/2 inch from the edge of the larger one. Glue them together. Cut out spots for the cow from a piece of black or brown construction paper. Glue the spots to the larger plate. Cut a 3-inch oval from pink construction paper and glue it to the bottom edge of the smaller plate to create the cow’s muzzle. Once the glue dries, draw a mouth and nostrils on the nose using a marker. Cut two ears out of pink construction paper. Glue the ears to the top edge of the smaller plate. Cut out two small ovals for the cow’s eyes and glue them in place on the smaller plate, too. Punch a hole in the top edge of the larger plate. Insert an 18-inch pipe cleaner through the hole and twist it around itself to secure it. Curl the end of the pipe cleaner to create a door hanger and the tail for the cow.
- Cut across the diameter of a large plate, 2 inches in from the edge and discard the cut off section. Place the plate upside down on top of an uncut paper plate and glue the two plates together. Decorate the bottom of the uncut paper plate with cow spots using a marker. Cut a tail out of construction paper and glue it to the side of the plates. Cut out a cow’s head from construction paper and glue it to the opposite side of the tail. Decorate the head with markers and googly eyes to look like a cow’s face. Cut four 1-by-2-inch strips of construction paper for the cow’s legs. Glue the strips to the bottom edge of the plate and then glue a magnet to the back center of the cut paper plate. Hang the cow on the refrigerator and insert the mail into the space between the paper plates.
- Fold a paper plate in half. Apply hot glue to the edges of the plate to secure it. Decorate the paper plate with black or brown cow spots using acrylic paint. Draw the cow’s head, legs and tail on heavy cardstock. Decorate them using acrylic paint to look like the details of the cow, including hooves, a nose, mouth and eyes. Cut out the legs, tail and head. Attach the body parts to the painted paper plate, using the curved edge of the plate as the belly and the straight edge as the back. Cut a second paper plate in half. Cut the silhouette of a half-moon face on the cut edge of one of the plate halves. Then draw an eye on the moon plate. Attach the cow and the plate to a piece of blue or black posterboard, using hot glue, so that the cow jumps over the moon plate.
Door Hanger
Mail Holder
Cow Jumped Over the Moon