There are guaranteed ways to get your ex back into your life but those really only work if they happen to be a lawyer, police officer, or health department inspector.
If you want to stay on the right side of the law and septic system but still get your ex back, heed these steps.
Step 1: Get Back In There Life: You can take the initiative by first getting back into your exes life.
You don't have to see them 6 days a week but a couple calls to check up on them or a casual 'planned' run-in at the gym or grocery store could yield 5 good minutes of conversation that will serve as a building block.
Step 2: Need Them: This doesn't mean crying outside their workplace moaning, "I need you...
" it means something simple like asking their advice or getting an answer to a question.
"Hey, remember when we were watching Teen Wolf together? What was the name of the chubby small forward?" Basically, find any dumb way to contact them.
Step 3: Improvise You don't have to be a member of Groundlings for you to use your improvisation skills.
Don't get a certain plan etched in your head that you feel you must follow, instead roll with the give-and-take depending on your ex's reaction to different things.
Step 4: Ignore Them: Your ex might like having you contact them every few days about random Teen Wolf trivia and they might be getting a power high off it.
Now's the time to pull the plug and go a few weeks longer between calls or texts and you'll find that now they start wondering what happened.
Step 5: Improvements: When you start backing off a little bit, make sure you use the time for good.
When they ask where you've been, which do you think they'd rather hear - "I've really been hitting the gym and focusing on work" or "I went on like a 3-week bender and just got out of the clink.
" Step 6: Ignite The Burner Before you were just making 80's movie small talk when you called but now time has passed and you've hopefully made some good life improvements.
Now you've got to make the full-fledged attempt to get them back by telling them how much you miss them and that your newly cleared head sees things in perspective now.
Step 7: How Deep Back: Most times, an ex will try to get back into your life because after all, you're a part of their life.
Depending on how bad they've been burned though they might not come back all the way.
Be prepared to be shut off at the friend sector then respect their decisions and avoid turning into the wolf.
If you want to stay on the right side of the law and septic system but still get your ex back, heed these steps.
Step 1: Get Back In There Life: You can take the initiative by first getting back into your exes life.
You don't have to see them 6 days a week but a couple calls to check up on them or a casual 'planned' run-in at the gym or grocery store could yield 5 good minutes of conversation that will serve as a building block.
Step 2: Need Them: This doesn't mean crying outside their workplace moaning, "I need you...
" it means something simple like asking their advice or getting an answer to a question.
"Hey, remember when we were watching Teen Wolf together? What was the name of the chubby small forward?" Basically, find any dumb way to contact them.
Step 3: Improvise You don't have to be a member of Groundlings for you to use your improvisation skills.
Don't get a certain plan etched in your head that you feel you must follow, instead roll with the give-and-take depending on your ex's reaction to different things.
Step 4: Ignore Them: Your ex might like having you contact them every few days about random Teen Wolf trivia and they might be getting a power high off it.
Now's the time to pull the plug and go a few weeks longer between calls or texts and you'll find that now they start wondering what happened.
Step 5: Improvements: When you start backing off a little bit, make sure you use the time for good.
When they ask where you've been, which do you think they'd rather hear - "I've really been hitting the gym and focusing on work" or "I went on like a 3-week bender and just got out of the clink.
" Step 6: Ignite The Burner Before you were just making 80's movie small talk when you called but now time has passed and you've hopefully made some good life improvements.
Now you've got to make the full-fledged attempt to get them back by telling them how much you miss them and that your newly cleared head sees things in perspective now.
Step 7: How Deep Back: Most times, an ex will try to get back into your life because after all, you're a part of their life.
Depending on how bad they've been burned though they might not come back all the way.
Be prepared to be shut off at the friend sector then respect their decisions and avoid turning into the wolf.