Family & Relationships: Signs Your Marriage May Be in Trouble

Signs Your Marriage May Be in Trouble

Because no two people think and act alike, no marriage or relationship will ever be trouble free. Even couples who describe their marriage as very good, have problems from time to time. This article will take a look at three problems that may signal deeper trouble exists in your marriage.

Family & Relationships: 3 Tips - How Can I Get Back Together With My Ex Girlfriend?

3 Tips - How Can I Get Back Together With My Ex Girlfriend?

Sometimes when a relationship comes to an abrupt end you think to yourself how can I get back together with my ex girlfriend? Either one or both parties involved may still be in doubt that the end is really the end.Some men simply cannot accept the fact that their girlfriend walked away, especially

Family & Relationships: The Icy Road to Unity in Relationships

The Icy Road to Unity in Relationships

Partners who would like to avoid stress in their relationship will find in this article ideas and principles they will find useful in evaluating the potential of unity or conflict in new relationships, as well as principles that can help develop unity in existing relationships.What if, for example,

Family & Relationships: Proven Ways to Stop My Divorce and Save My Marriage - Relationship

Proven Ways to Stop My Divorce and Save My Marriage - Relationship

Recently I was speaking with a guy that was in the throws of divorce, he was distraught, desperate and compromising his life, just so he would have something left to clings too when it all blew over.I told him about a new technique that I had stumbled upon that could stop a break up and has saved th

Family & Relationships: 6 Practical Tips For Getting Your Ex Back

6 Practical Tips For Getting Your Ex Back

Some people will wonder if looking pathetic will work to get an ex back, and the answer is no.Very few people will come back based on pity.Dress in such a way that tells them that you are taking care of yourself...

Family & Relationships: Can I Get Him Back? Yes You Can - Here's How

Can I Get Him Back? Yes You Can - Here's How

OK, here's the thing... If you're asking the question "can I get him back?" Then I have some very good news for you. You're about to learn a number of important steps and some good ...

Family & Relationships: Psalm 120 - When Peace Is A Mirage And Conflict Is Unending

Psalm 120 - When Peace Is A Mirage And Conflict Is Unending

Being faced with unending conflict, when we pine for peace, is a sure recipe for exasperation. Our prayers for deliverance are, however, equally sure to breathe God's revelation into these situations, eventually. Then, we will know what to do.