After a breakup, most woman can look back on the months or weeks before it happened and remember that their ex boyfriend had become less interested in what she was saying. He would show up late for date or not show up at all. They will also tell you didn't realize their man was slipping away. They thought he was distracted by family problems or his work.
When a breakup is about to happen, there are many signs given and if you are alert, you will see them and take measures to stop the breakup before it happens. Listening to your friends tell you that you have nothing to worry about because he is just realizing how deeply in love with you he has become and it has scared the life out of him.
It's true that some men find it hard to give up their freedom and yet they don't want to lose you. The responsibility of a home and family can loom over them and this can cause enough of a turmoil for some men to run away. You might not be able know if this is the problem or not, but don't think loving you too much is the only reason men start acting distant.
It would be nice if you could just ask him what the trouble is and he would give you a straight forward, honest answer. However, most guys will tell you something they hope won't hurt you such as - "It's not you, it's me." What kind of answer is that? It will only serve to confuse you more, but it can be dangerous if you take his word for it.
But, let's say you do listen to him when he says it's him and not you. If it is something that is wrong with him and he loves you, why doesn't he do something about it? However something went wrong in your relationship and if you want to get your ex back, it will be up to you to learn what it is and fix it. The first place to start looking is at yourself.
Self examination can be painful but you must be honest and face whatever problems you have. If you were very much in love with your guy, you might have become too anxious for a commitment and become nagging and pushy. In an effort to show your love you could have nearly smothered him. On the other extreme, if you are career oriented, you might have made your ex boyfriend think he was not the most important thing in your life and he felt unappreciated.
Once you have figured out what made your man run away, you have to take steps to fix the problem. Then you will need to convince him that the problem is fixed. You can't just call him and tell him to come back because everything is fine. You will have to show him through actions and it won't be easy. So, if you want to keep your man, stay alert and if he starts acting distant, do something fast to pull him back before he slips away.
When a breakup is about to happen, there are many signs given and if you are alert, you will see them and take measures to stop the breakup before it happens. Listening to your friends tell you that you have nothing to worry about because he is just realizing how deeply in love with you he has become and it has scared the life out of him.
It's true that some men find it hard to give up their freedom and yet they don't want to lose you. The responsibility of a home and family can loom over them and this can cause enough of a turmoil for some men to run away. You might not be able know if this is the problem or not, but don't think loving you too much is the only reason men start acting distant.
It would be nice if you could just ask him what the trouble is and he would give you a straight forward, honest answer. However, most guys will tell you something they hope won't hurt you such as - "It's not you, it's me." What kind of answer is that? It will only serve to confuse you more, but it can be dangerous if you take his word for it.
But, let's say you do listen to him when he says it's him and not you. If it is something that is wrong with him and he loves you, why doesn't he do something about it? However something went wrong in your relationship and if you want to get your ex back, it will be up to you to learn what it is and fix it. The first place to start looking is at yourself.
Self examination can be painful but you must be honest and face whatever problems you have. If you were very much in love with your guy, you might have become too anxious for a commitment and become nagging and pushy. In an effort to show your love you could have nearly smothered him. On the other extreme, if you are career oriented, you might have made your ex boyfriend think he was not the most important thing in your life and he felt unappreciated.
Once you have figured out what made your man run away, you have to take steps to fix the problem. Then you will need to convince him that the problem is fixed. You can't just call him and tell him to come back because everything is fine. You will have to show him through actions and it won't be easy. So, if you want to keep your man, stay alert and if he starts acting distant, do something fast to pull him back before he slips away.