- 1). Close all programs and windows on your computer. Open the disk drive and insert the Windows XP or system restore CD. Click the "Start" button and choose "Restart." Press "Enter" when the screen appears asking if you wish to boot the computer using the CD. Press "Enter" to enter setup mode.
- 2). Press the "Esc" button to begin a complete reinstallation of Windows XP. Select the "C:" drive using the arrow keys and press "Enter." Press the "C" button when the warning screen appears notifying you that a copy of Windows already exists on the C: drive.
- 3). Choose "Leave the current file system intact" using the arrow keys. Press the "/" key to delete the old Windows folders and create a new folder where Windows will save all of your current files. Type in "temp" when asked for your name. Press the "Enter" button to begin the reloading process.
- 4). Click the "Start" button and choose "My Computer" after the installation process has completed and the computer has rebooted. You will have been automatically logged in as "temp." Double-click on the "C:" drive. Right-click on the screen and click "New" and choose "Folder." Name the folder "restoredfiles" and click "OK."
- 5). Click on the "Documents and Settings" folder located on the left-hand side of the screen. Inside this folder will be sub-folders containing the saved files of all of the computer's user accounts. Drag all of these sub-folders into the "Old Files" folder that you just created. Close the window when you are finished.
- 6). Click the "Start" button. Click "Control Panel" and choose "User Accounts." Create an user account that identically matches the old user accounts, with the same names and passwords. After creating the accounts, log on and off as each user to activate the accounts. When you are finished, log back in as "temp."
- 7). Click the "Start" button and choose "All Programs." Click "Accessories" and choose "Command Prompt." Type "xcopy c:\restoredfiles\*.* "c:\documents and settings" /s /h /r /c" into the command prompt box and press "Enter." All of the old files will be restored to the user accounts.