Get Over Being Dumped the Easy Way! Getting over being dumped the easy way.
You just got ousted from your relationship.
I can imagine the turmoil you're going through right now.
You're partner left you and you're standing there alone.
I know the feelings you are experiencing are incredibly strong during this time.
I really don't want you to get sucked down that storm drain of misery and confusion.
Overcome those negative feelings by following these helpful tips.
"You Are You" You're ex left you but you are still the same outstanding human as you were before.
Don't forget who you are.
Your partner didn't leave you because there's something wrong with you, but there's something else your ex is looking for.
Don't ever have that feeling that you're not good enough because that isn't true.
You are who you are and it didn't fit with you're previous mate, that is why he left you.
You just weren't a compatible match so one of you had to move on and obviously it was you partner that decided to go first.
Let me repeat myself-there is nothing wrong with you, you and you're partner simply didn't match up together.
Don't Think He/She is The Only One For You So you're ex dumped you.
Don't think that he/she is the only one for you.
"There are plenty other men/women out there that are possible companions for me".
Keep that quote in the back of you're mind constantly.
Yes, you might have loved him or her but that is over now.
Your ex is gone.
Your previous mate has moved on and so should you.
Why did he leave you? Is there somebody else that they are seeing? Possibly yes, otherwise why would he dump you? The answer is you two just aren't a match.
Your ex found a new partner faster then you have so what are you waiting for? On the Prowl Now you might be still feeling the effects of getting dumped.
You shouldn't be at this point.
Remember you're ex is over you and could be dating somebody else already.
So what are you doing? Don't let the fond memories of being with your ex take you down.
Get yourself up and start going out.
You are single now so you should have that instinct of finding a new partner set in your mind already.
Don't socialize by yourself.
When you go out bring along a few friend's for support and comfort.
Tell your friends that you're over your ex and you want to have fun.
They will surely assist you in finding a match for you.
When you are doing this the thought of your previous relationship shouldn't even cross your mind.
"My Ex is Still Popping Up" If thought's of your ex are still unwillingly roaming around your mind it seems like you're still attached to him/her (which is completely normal).
This means you're not keeping yourself busy.
You need to keep yourself occupied.
Doing nothing sitting around your home is the worst thing you can do.
The thought's of why your ex left you will take control of you're mind and actions.
What you need to do is go out and socialize.
You need to meet new people and make more friends.
You might come across a new partner, who knows? "Garbage Disposal" Whenever you have a day off use that time to explore your home.
Look for all the gifts, presents, letters, cloths, pictures, anything that reminds you of your ex.
Collect all of them and throw them out.
You should be over the fact that you got dumped and you don't need reminders lying around from the one that let you go.
Free yourself from anything that brings even a minute remembrance of your ex.
You just got ousted from your relationship.
I can imagine the turmoil you're going through right now.
You're partner left you and you're standing there alone.
I know the feelings you are experiencing are incredibly strong during this time.
I really don't want you to get sucked down that storm drain of misery and confusion.
Overcome those negative feelings by following these helpful tips.
"You Are You" You're ex left you but you are still the same outstanding human as you were before.
Don't forget who you are.
Your partner didn't leave you because there's something wrong with you, but there's something else your ex is looking for.
Don't ever have that feeling that you're not good enough because that isn't true.
You are who you are and it didn't fit with you're previous mate, that is why he left you.
You just weren't a compatible match so one of you had to move on and obviously it was you partner that decided to go first.
Let me repeat myself-there is nothing wrong with you, you and you're partner simply didn't match up together.
Don't Think He/She is The Only One For You So you're ex dumped you.
Don't think that he/she is the only one for you.
"There are plenty other men/women out there that are possible companions for me".
Keep that quote in the back of you're mind constantly.
Yes, you might have loved him or her but that is over now.
Your ex is gone.
Your previous mate has moved on and so should you.
Why did he leave you? Is there somebody else that they are seeing? Possibly yes, otherwise why would he dump you? The answer is you two just aren't a match.
Your ex found a new partner faster then you have so what are you waiting for? On the Prowl Now you might be still feeling the effects of getting dumped.
You shouldn't be at this point.
Remember you're ex is over you and could be dating somebody else already.
So what are you doing? Don't let the fond memories of being with your ex take you down.
Get yourself up and start going out.
You are single now so you should have that instinct of finding a new partner set in your mind already.
Don't socialize by yourself.
When you go out bring along a few friend's for support and comfort.
Tell your friends that you're over your ex and you want to have fun.
They will surely assist you in finding a match for you.
When you are doing this the thought of your previous relationship shouldn't even cross your mind.
"My Ex is Still Popping Up" If thought's of your ex are still unwillingly roaming around your mind it seems like you're still attached to him/her (which is completely normal).
This means you're not keeping yourself busy.
You need to keep yourself occupied.
Doing nothing sitting around your home is the worst thing you can do.
The thought's of why your ex left you will take control of you're mind and actions.
What you need to do is go out and socialize.
You need to meet new people and make more friends.
You might come across a new partner, who knows? "Garbage Disposal" Whenever you have a day off use that time to explore your home.
Look for all the gifts, presents, letters, cloths, pictures, anything that reminds you of your ex.
Collect all of them and throw them out.
You should be over the fact that you got dumped and you don't need reminders lying around from the one that let you go.
Free yourself from anything that brings even a minute remembrance of your ex.