- 1). Click "Start" and then open the "Run" program. Type "services.msc" into the window and then press "Enter." This will give you a list of silent applications running in the background of Windows Vista. These programs slow down the computer considerably. Look through the list and identify the programs you do not need to run. Double-click each of these services and then select "Disable" in the startup column. There are dozens of services within the Vista platform and they each serve very unique functions. Click the link in the resources section for a list of descriptions to each service and recommended services to disable.
- 2). Click "Start" and then select "My Computer." Double-click the C drive or whatever drive contains the majority of your applications and folders. Go through each folder and look for files and programs that can be deleted. Unnecessary programs and files slow down your operating system. Right-click a file you want deleted and select "Move to Recycle Bin." Open the Recycle Bin program and then clear all the files inside by selecting "Empty the Recycle Bin."
- 3). Click "Start" and then select the "Search" function. Type "System" into the search bar and press enter. Select the msconfig program displayed in the search results. Click the "Startup" menu in the program. Look over the list of programs that load automatically upon starting up Vista. Uncheck the box next to programs you don't need when booting up. All of the start-up programs can be disabled with the exception of anti-virus software and Windows Defender without causing any damage to your computer.
- 4). Open the "My Computer" window again and then select your main hard drive. Right-click this disc and then select "Properties." Select the "Tools" tab inside the new window. Choose the "Defragment Now" option. Windows Vista will begin defragmenting your disc which should speed up performance substantially if you have never defragmented before. Defragmenting reorganizes the files on your computer so that they can be found more quickly on your hard drive. Check the box next to "Run On a Schedule" in the Disk Defragmenter application. Click the "Modify Schedule" button and then choose a weekly time to automatically defragment your drive. Click the "OK" button.