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Zippers often won't slide because of easily-fixed maintenance issues.Ablestock.com/AbleStock.com/Getty Images
Check the zipper, both inside and outside, to make sure that it is indeed off-track, and not useless because of another issue. Often, wayward threads or strings catch inside a zipper, causing it to stick. If the zipper is simply dirty, scrub it with a toothbrush dipped in white vinegar. This loosens any particles caught between the zipper teeth. - 2
All zippers have a base at one end, keeping the zipper from sliding off of the track.Hemera Technologies/AbleStock.com/Getty Images
Use pliers to remove the zipper base. The base is the piece at the bottom of the zipper's track, stopping the movable zipper slider from sliding off of the zipper track's end. Go slowly -- you'll probably wiggle and pry before successfully removing the base. - 3). Run the zipper slider all the way down the zipper track, but not off of the garment. The two sides connected by the zipper will probably be crinkled.
- 4). From the bottom of the zipper track, realign the teeth one by one, moving the slider up the track and following the fixed teeth. The goal is to simultaneously straighten out the teeth and zip up the garment. Once you've reached the top of the garment, the article's zipper track and teeth should be fixed.
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The zipper's flexibility makes it suitable for use on clothing, equipment, luggage, and many other products.Zedcor Wholly Owned/PhotoObjects.net/Getty Images
Reattach the base by stitching it to the garment. If you damaged the base prying it off, you will need to replace it with a new one.