Family & Relationships Conflict

Getting Your Ex Back - The Attraction Formula

If you're thinking of getting your ex girlfriend back you better have your act together.
You've lost her once, and not to say it's too late, cause it never is, but you have to do better this time.
She didn't leave cause you two were having a blast together.
I'm sure you're, like all men out there, aware of a "fact" that women like bad boys? Well that "fact" is not entirely true.
Women do like bad boys, but not because they are "bad".
Funny thing is women don't quite know what they like about them, all hey now is they are attracted to them unbelievably.
The bad part of bad boys is not really something that attracts women, it's the other part.
The manly, fun having, attractive and care free part.
They act like men, they are confident, they say what they think and they don't ask women to approve of their behaviours.
The part of their personalities they don't like is the aggressive, drinking, not able to hold down a job part.
This is great news for you cause if you can adopt some qualities of their bad boy behavior you can become an instant magnet for women (your ex will be the first in line).
How can you do that? HAVE FUN, start by having fun with women a lot more, focus on having fun and making them smile.
Don't do it like a clown, making a fool of your self, but do it in a jaw dropping way.
Say what is on your mind.
Tease them, make fun of women.
Yes, I actually advise you to make fun of them.
Harmless fun.
Tease your ex about why would you want her back even if she's the one who dumped you.
Turn around everything she is saying into sexual context - example - if she tells you she's going home, tell her she didn't buy you dinner yet and you're not that cheap.
And you're not even sure that would help her but she can try.
So no, you're not going back home with her.
Accuse her of trying to get back together with you constantly and act as if you don't want her back.
But you might.
If she tried harder.
FLIRT with her all of the time.
Don't compliment her overly.
If she does something clumsy tell her good thing she's cute.
If she's done something brilliant tell her good thing she's not all about looks or you'd be in trouble.
Be inconsistent,  make her wonder what is going on here - tell her you like something but when she does it twice call her up on it.
Example would be: you complimenting her on the shirt and when she wares it the second time tell her it's not gonna work.
You and that shirt had a moment then.
Now it's gone.
But thanks for trying.
 See what I mean? LEAD when you two go out for a date or a coffee, don't run around trying to please her, take her where you wanna go, don't ask her if she approves.
Do what you feel like, if it turns out to be a bad idea, take the responsibility but don't apologize.
Tell her you wanted to do it and you're sure you'll have a better time next time.
Keep you cool.
Even if disaster happens and you make a total fool out of your self, stay cool.
That's what she's going to remember.
Stay strong.
LEAVE on time.
This is a really big deal.
Always leave when you're having a blast.
That way she'll miss you more and she'll leave you in a great, fun-having mood.
She'll even unconsciously connect that mood with the two of you hanging out.
And automatically want more and more of you (that good feeling she's got when she is around you).
I know it sounds too simple but that is what bad boys do.
They pick their date up, have fun with them, tease them, flirt with them, do what they want, go where they want and leave when they want.
They don't ask for advice on what to do and where to go, they don't behave seriously and they don't act as if a women they are on a date with is their mother.
One of the best moments you can have with a woman is when she looks at you in a I-can't-believe-you-just-said-that-manner.
And if it's followed by a hit on the shoulder even better.
Flirting is all about being a kid again and playing.
Like when the two of you were 4 and you were constantly fighting cause you didn't know how to say to you like each other.
Did you also notice how some guys can't shake off their exes? Well this is what those guys do.
Want to be one of them?  With this simple attraction formula - fun - flirt - lead - leave you can.
Go and try it out.
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