11. Freshen Hotel Rooms
If your hotel room smells stale, place a dryer sheet in the air conditioning/heating vent for a quick air freshener. Take it with you when you leave and your soiled clothes will be a bit fresher for the trip home.12. Keep Bugs Away
Some campers and outdoor enthusiasts swear by dryer sheets to keep insects away. Some rub them on their skin, others tuck the sheets into tops of socks or collars. It's worth a try!13. Deer Repellent
Cut dryer sheets into one-inch strips and tie them on the tips of greenery or in trees. The scent will repel plant-munching deer.
14. Calm Flyaway Hair
Keep a few dryer sheets in your desk or purse to calm flyaway hair. Just rub the sheet over your hair to smooth it out.
Rubbing your pet's coat with an unscented dryer sheet will help calm him during electrical storms by reducing static electricity that can cause his hair to stand on end.