If this is what you are experiencing right now, you should read this article carefully, and be sure that you understand the point I am trying to make.
There are many people wanting to know how to get my ex back, and those that DO succeed, are those who understand this same principle.
You guys have broken up, yes, and your ex doesn't want anything to do with you! I myself know, how this makes you feel, like you I have gone threw it all before, which is the "why" it is my goal to help you reach your desire.
Most relationships can be saved, and made to be better! If that is, what you really want...
Because your ex won't talk to you, I am guessing that you are trying really hard to get in contact with them? Well I have news for you if that's the case, STOP! That is by far the worst thing you can possibly do right now! At this moment in time you do need to let TIME do some healing.
Relationships are tough, and when they end everybody gets hurt, your ex is hurt, give them time! When you realize this, you can then give yourself the time you need to concentrate on feeling better! My advice for the now, is to simply, say sorry for hounding them, and agree that breaking up was the best decision and leave it at that...
It is what you do with your time, for your "self" that increases the chances to get back with the person you love! There are obviously some things about you that your ex did not want in there life! You need to pinpoint whatever that was precisely, and then figure whether you are prepared to do anything about it...
Not only is it that you want your ex back, you should want just as much, to want to make your relationship ten times better.
Which is something we can all do! Making a relationship better does start with you though, and how happy you are with yourself.
So it is important that you begin living the life that you really want! And do the things that makes your spirit alive...
If you can put your focus towards the above, you will over come the "I want my ex back, but they won't talk to me" problem you are having! By just leaving them alone, may make them want to know what you are doing.
And if they hear that you are good and enjoying yourself, they may want to be apart of that also...
There are many people wanting to know how to get my ex back, and those that DO succeed, are those who understand this same principle.
You guys have broken up, yes, and your ex doesn't want anything to do with you! I myself know, how this makes you feel, like you I have gone threw it all before, which is the "why" it is my goal to help you reach your desire.
Most relationships can be saved, and made to be better! If that is, what you really want...
Because your ex won't talk to you, I am guessing that you are trying really hard to get in contact with them? Well I have news for you if that's the case, STOP! That is by far the worst thing you can possibly do right now! At this moment in time you do need to let TIME do some healing.
Relationships are tough, and when they end everybody gets hurt, your ex is hurt, give them time! When you realize this, you can then give yourself the time you need to concentrate on feeling better! My advice for the now, is to simply, say sorry for hounding them, and agree that breaking up was the best decision and leave it at that...
It is what you do with your time, for your "self" that increases the chances to get back with the person you love! There are obviously some things about you that your ex did not want in there life! You need to pinpoint whatever that was precisely, and then figure whether you are prepared to do anything about it...
Not only is it that you want your ex back, you should want just as much, to want to make your relationship ten times better.
Which is something we can all do! Making a relationship better does start with you though, and how happy you are with yourself.
So it is important that you begin living the life that you really want! And do the things that makes your spirit alive...
If you can put your focus towards the above, you will over come the "I want my ex back, but they won't talk to me" problem you are having! By just leaving them alone, may make them want to know what you are doing.
And if they hear that you are good and enjoying yourself, they may want to be apart of that also...