Want to get your ex to contact you again and take a chance to rebuild your crumbled relationship? Feeling the need to reconnect and rekindle your fire? Missing him badly? Then gear yourself up and start getting noticed again.
Sure it would take a lot of courage and effort to show up and get him interested again, but it could really turn your world around and make him want you even more than before.
Here are some of the tricks to get your ex to contact you again: Reinvent yourself.
Go to your trusted salon and get dressed up.
Have a fresh new look, a flattering hairdo maybe, and a dress to fit.
Be even more ravishing than the first day you met your ex, and you would sure spark that attention and of course, that long lost attraction.
Be your fun and bubbly self and be likable-show him that people want to be with you, and he would in turn realize that he does want to be with you again.
Be comfortable around him.
Now that you are reconnected and that fire is starting to rekindle, act as natural around him, as you would with other guys.
Don't make him feel special, and don't show hints that you were once together.
This would make him want to chase after you-the girl everyone is interested in at the moment.
Now that he has competition over you, he would sure want to make sure that you take him back-thus the phone call.
Answer his call.
Don't play around too much.
Once you've got his call, answer and express yourself as before.
This way, you would have a more direct contact with him and you would have a better chance of getting back together.
All those chasing around have done the magic and sparked that interest again.
So if you want to get your ex to contact you again, play around a little and wait for him to take your bait.
Sure it would take a lot of courage and effort to show up and get him interested again, but it could really turn your world around and make him want you even more than before.
Here are some of the tricks to get your ex to contact you again: Reinvent yourself.
Go to your trusted salon and get dressed up.
Have a fresh new look, a flattering hairdo maybe, and a dress to fit.
Be even more ravishing than the first day you met your ex, and you would sure spark that attention and of course, that long lost attraction.
Be your fun and bubbly self and be likable-show him that people want to be with you, and he would in turn realize that he does want to be with you again.
Be comfortable around him.
Now that you are reconnected and that fire is starting to rekindle, act as natural around him, as you would with other guys.
Don't make him feel special, and don't show hints that you were once together.
This would make him want to chase after you-the girl everyone is interested in at the moment.
Now that he has competition over you, he would sure want to make sure that you take him back-thus the phone call.
Answer his call.
Don't play around too much.
Once you've got his call, answer and express yourself as before.
This way, you would have a more direct contact with him and you would have a better chance of getting back together.
All those chasing around have done the magic and sparked that interest again.
So if you want to get your ex to contact you again, play around a little and wait for him to take your bait.