Some people who have just broken up with their ex will usually not attempt to get their ex back even though they still love their ex.
They will usually think about ways to move on and let go of the relationship.
This is because they may think that a break up simply means the end of a relationship and there is really no way to win their ex back.
However, this is definitely far from the truth.
Yes, not all relationships can be saved and some relationships are not even worth saving.
There is no 100 % solution but most probably, 90 % of the relationship can be saved if you give yourself the chance to save it.
Which is why this secret ingredient is so important to saving your relationship and wining your ex back.
This secret ingredient start with a "H".
Yes, it is "Hope".
If you know there is no hope to save your relationship, you will not even consider trying to do anything constructive to win your ex back.
Alternatively, if you know for sure that there is hope to win your ex back, you will go and do something about it, which means a good chance to win your ex back.
Of course, in order to save your relationship, you need to have a plan.
Doing things without a plan can be counter productive and causes you to do things that may drive your ex further away without you being aware of it.
What is important is that you do not do things that make you seem desperate or needy.
By not doing so, your chances of winning your ex back will be much higher.
They will usually think about ways to move on and let go of the relationship.
This is because they may think that a break up simply means the end of a relationship and there is really no way to win their ex back.
However, this is definitely far from the truth.
Yes, not all relationships can be saved and some relationships are not even worth saving.
There is no 100 % solution but most probably, 90 % of the relationship can be saved if you give yourself the chance to save it.
Which is why this secret ingredient is so important to saving your relationship and wining your ex back.
This secret ingredient start with a "H".
Yes, it is "Hope".
If you know there is no hope to save your relationship, you will not even consider trying to do anything constructive to win your ex back.
Alternatively, if you know for sure that there is hope to win your ex back, you will go and do something about it, which means a good chance to win your ex back.
Of course, in order to save your relationship, you need to have a plan.
Doing things without a plan can be counter productive and causes you to do things that may drive your ex further away without you being aware of it.
What is important is that you do not do things that make you seem desperate or needy.
By not doing so, your chances of winning your ex back will be much higher.