Technology Electronics

Capture the First Blossom of Beautiful Flowers

The sensory pleasure that we get while watching beautiful flowers, is just out of this world. The pleasure that we get while watching the flowers, is matched by the pleasure that we get while capturing those flowers. Here are some things, which you can follow, while photographing the flowers-

Be Choosy- If you plan to visit a nearby flower show, then you can see a number of flowers blooming. But wait; don't rush to capture them as yet. Locate a plant, which has the best combination of form, color, lighting and the background.

Isolate your Subject- For greater impact, isolation is the key. Get an angle of the camera that would reduce the other distracting elements, like the flowers or the spectators. Take your time to try out different angles, like the low angles, high angles or moving to the left and right. Use a wide lens aperture, as that would enhance the effect by softening the background.

Position your Subject- Pay maximum attention to the position of the subject in the viewfinder. Place the subject in the dead-center of the picture, as it has the most aesthetic composition. Focus on what you would require on the viewfinder, and then recompose the picture, as that would look best. Don't forget to try out the vertical framing, as it would be horizontal.

Use a Tripod- Slow shutter speed would be required to hand hold your camera, and it would result in vibrations and un-sharp pictures. So use a tripod to steady the camera and brace the camera against a wall. Move your legs slightly apart and elbows braced so it will reduce all the unwanted vibrations.

Proximity with Environment- You would be able to capture great pictures, by showing the relationship between you and your subject. Use a wide angle lens or buy a digital camera. The digital camera prices come in the affordable category. So you would be able to afford it. Try to position your camera as close as possible, and get the best out of it. Print the images using a high quality printer, and a laser printer is the best choice.

Close-Up the Flowers- When the flowers will be viewed in close proximity, it will bring the best effects. Use the viewfinder to get as close as possible, and maintain the sharp focus. Focus on the whole plant while photographing and not just the bloom. View the textures, leaves and fallen petals. Get a digital camera, for all these pictures and study the digital camera prices before capturing. A printer is very important to print your images so get a laser printer for all your printing purposes.
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