It is pretty simple to learn to control premature ejaculation and not to come too soon if you practice the following.
The method is to practice self pleasuring and to take your attention to your body.
Now, if 9.
9 is the point of no return, practice going to 6 or 7, so you do not lose it.
When you get to 6 or 7 on the scale out of 10, practice the following.
Now repeat self pleasuring and build the energy up a bit higher without ejaculating.
Now do the 3 points above and drop down again.
Bring your focus and willpower to bear as the results will be worth it.
Soon you will be able to come to point 9 without coming.
Repeat the above practice till you get the hang of it.
This could take a few weeks.
Now you can get your lover to self pleasure you and repeat the above exercise.
The results should happen a lot easier for you now.
The final test is to practice the method above in actual lovemaking.
When you feel close to coming, just slow down and do the three tips above.
Another tip to use when you are making love is to open your eyes and connect with your lover.
Many men do not realize that their lover's energy can take them over the top.
In a way, their lover controls their erection.
Communicate to your lover that you want to last for 30 minutes.
Tell her not to get too orgasmic and not to desire for you to come.
When you can last for 30 minutes every time you make love you are well on the way to be a sexual stud.
The method is to practice self pleasuring and to take your attention to your body.
Now, if 9.
9 is the point of no return, practice going to 6 or 7, so you do not lose it.
When you get to 6 or 7 on the scale out of 10, practice the following.
- Take your attention to your body and away from your fantasy or thoughts.
- Breathe more slowly and let your belly rise and fall with each breath.
- Relax all areas of your body, particularly your bottom and legs.
Now repeat self pleasuring and build the energy up a bit higher without ejaculating.
Now do the 3 points above and drop down again.
Bring your focus and willpower to bear as the results will be worth it.
Soon you will be able to come to point 9 without coming.
Repeat the above practice till you get the hang of it.
This could take a few weeks.
Now you can get your lover to self pleasure you and repeat the above exercise.
The results should happen a lot easier for you now.
The final test is to practice the method above in actual lovemaking.
When you feel close to coming, just slow down and do the three tips above.
Another tip to use when you are making love is to open your eyes and connect with your lover.
Many men do not realize that their lover's energy can take them over the top.
In a way, their lover controls their erection.
Communicate to your lover that you want to last for 30 minutes.
Tell her not to get too orgasmic and not to desire for you to come.
When you can last for 30 minutes every time you make love you are well on the way to be a sexual stud.