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If you are having problems getting over your guy (ex), you are going through a normal adjustment. It doesn't matter who dumped the other, it is still an emotional ordeal to lose someone with whom you had a close relationship. There is now an emotional gap in your heart as well as a space in your life which is never easily filled by anything or anyone. No matter how tortured you may feel at this time, it is possible to get over the guy who broke your heart and move on. Here are some suggestions for moving on.

To start, you need to let your feelings out. When you are trying to get over the guy, it is okay to cry. It releases emotions. Some people keep a journal about their experiences or write a love poem. These methods help in dealing with the pain. Writing a long letter to your ex boyfriend about the relationship, including the good times and bad, often is helpful. Talk about the relationship and how he hurt you, not holding back a thing. When you finish the letter, burn it. Do not even consider sending it. Allowing the flames to consume the letter will provide a superb means of closure to the relationship.

The next action is to accept the fact that what you had with the guy is really over. If you believe he will change and come back to you, you will never get over the guy and be able to move on.

There is more that you can do to remove him from your life. Exchange all of the personal property that you have accumulated between you. Even an over sized t-shirt he gave you that is so comfortable to wear at night. If there are items too small to exchange, toss them in the trash. Removing his things from your place is another means of clearing him from your life.

During this trying time, don't hesitate from leaning on your friends. Until you are married, the guys will come and go, but your girlfriends will be there forever. If your relationship was close and intense, you may have neglected your friends. Now is the time to reconnect with them. They have probably heard through the grapevine about your breakup. They have had the same experiences and know the hurt you are going through. They will lend support and help you to move on. They made it past their own broken hearts and you will, too.

With the additional time you now have, it is a terrific time to improve yourself. Join a gym and begin working out. You will feel better and look better. You will also gain more confidence by feeling and looking better. You could take up that new hobby you have put off for so long. It will take your mind off your ex boyfriend, but it will also introduce you to a new social circle. Who knows where it could lead?

Finally, when a guy has broken your heart and you need to move on, the classes, the new hobby, old friends, new friends, and activities in general will help you emerge as a new person. You will have learned how to move on!

"The Magic of Making Up" is a "miracle" publication dealing with problems in today's relationships. It is a proven, successful,and easy to follow method of providing solutions to those problems. The author is T. 'Dub' Jackson, well-known expert in pinpointing the problems and applying the means to resolve conflicts. His many readers from around the world have expressed their heartfelt gratitude for Jackson's unique skills in helping to save many relationships.


To read "The Magic of Making Up" in its entirety, just click to:
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