Learning to flirt is an essential skill that can powerfully increase your self confidence and self esteem, give you much more success with women, and be a doorway towards fantastic happiness with whatever relationship you'd like to have, in just the exact way you'd like to have it.
Unfortunately, most men never get around to learning this powerful yet vastly under utilized conversation skill.
The first thing you need to be aware of is female body language.
Unfortunately for men, we have to learn all this stuff the hard way (or the fun way, depending on how you look at it!) Women come pre-programmed with these skills.
A woman can walk into a room, and instantly size up who's into whom, who is fighting with whom, and who is on their first date.
Most guys simply look around and say, "Wow, she's hot!" Which is probably not the best thing to do if you are on a date.
But when you learn to read a woman's body language, it can give you a powerful edge of other men.
Half the battle is learning to flirt with the right woman.
If you send signals of interest to the wrong woman, you might need to go back to square one.
First of all, look for things like eye contact a little longer than normal, and when she does make eye contact, pay attention on how she breaks it.
If she looks down quickly, and then away, fantastic.
Another thing to look for is the palm of her hand.
If she shows it to you, usually by playing with her hair, that is another open invitation.
If she noticed you, and then turns her head, but still keeps her chest pointed towards you, she's secretly hoping you'll come over and start a conversation.
Any of these in combination is the equivalent of her holding a huge neon sign saying, "Talk to me! Come and talk to me!" So when you walk into a room, scan the crowd, and see which girls are into you, and which ones are into somebody else.
You are ready to flirt.
And the best way to flirt is also the easiest way.
Eye contact, smile, and watch how she responds.
If she gives you more positive body language, you've passed the flirting stage and should be entering into the conversation stage.
And that's where the fun begins.
Be careful though.
The more you practice this, the more you will see your self-esteem and self-confidence shoot through the roof.
Which will in turn give you more success with women, which will in turn ratchet up your self-confidence and self-esteem even more.
You'll get to a point where women will be virtually drooling over you, and seducing some will be easy.
Of course if you use these skills to create a positive relationship, that's great.
Just be aware that there will be a temptation to create a string of easy sexual conquests that may invariably leave behind hurt feelings and damaged self-esteem.
Don't increase your skills and self esteem at the expense of others.
Be careful with you new skills.
Unfortunately, most men never get around to learning this powerful yet vastly under utilized conversation skill.
The first thing you need to be aware of is female body language.
Unfortunately for men, we have to learn all this stuff the hard way (or the fun way, depending on how you look at it!) Women come pre-programmed with these skills.
A woman can walk into a room, and instantly size up who's into whom, who is fighting with whom, and who is on their first date.
Most guys simply look around and say, "Wow, she's hot!" Which is probably not the best thing to do if you are on a date.
But when you learn to read a woman's body language, it can give you a powerful edge of other men.
Half the battle is learning to flirt with the right woman.
If you send signals of interest to the wrong woman, you might need to go back to square one.
First of all, look for things like eye contact a little longer than normal, and when she does make eye contact, pay attention on how she breaks it.
If she looks down quickly, and then away, fantastic.
Another thing to look for is the palm of her hand.
If she shows it to you, usually by playing with her hair, that is another open invitation.
If she noticed you, and then turns her head, but still keeps her chest pointed towards you, she's secretly hoping you'll come over and start a conversation.
Any of these in combination is the equivalent of her holding a huge neon sign saying, "Talk to me! Come and talk to me!" So when you walk into a room, scan the crowd, and see which girls are into you, and which ones are into somebody else.
You are ready to flirt.
And the best way to flirt is also the easiest way.
Eye contact, smile, and watch how she responds.
If she gives you more positive body language, you've passed the flirting stage and should be entering into the conversation stage.
And that's where the fun begins.
Be careful though.
The more you practice this, the more you will see your self-esteem and self-confidence shoot through the roof.
Which will in turn give you more success with women, which will in turn ratchet up your self-confidence and self-esteem even more.
You'll get to a point where women will be virtually drooling over you, and seducing some will be easy.
Of course if you use these skills to create a positive relationship, that's great.
Just be aware that there will be a temptation to create a string of easy sexual conquests that may invariably leave behind hurt feelings and damaged self-esteem.
Don't increase your skills and self esteem at the expense of others.
Be careful with you new skills.