- Being ill or laid up is no fun and may include long hours of nothing much to do. Your friend or family member may enjoy a variety of reading materials to select from. If faith-based activities or spirituality is important to the individual, include a devotional or spiritual book or magazine. Bookstores carry reading material with various spiritual perspectives, so you should find something that will align with the person's spiritual beliefs. Include some humorous reading that encourages the individual to laugh. If you know the person's favorite author, toss in a book by that author. Word games, sudoku and other games may keep your friend occupied.
- Many people bring flowers to someone in the hospital, but some people don't respond well to the scent of flowers. While some really enjoy the cut flowers, an alternative idea could include a small, pretty artificial arrangement or live plant that fits into your basket. If your choice is alive, choose something that doesn't require a lot of care or natural light to thrive. You could also brighten the room with a small picture of flowers, butterflies, wildlife or a missed pet.
- Even adults can enjoy the feeling of something cuddly when they are ill. For a child of any age and the child in some adults, this may include a soft, stuffed animal that can be clutched tightly when she isn't feeling well. The younger the child, the more important it is that the stuffed animal contains no small or hard parts. A cuddly robe, soft slipper socks or a soft silky throw may soothe the pains and ills of not feeling your best. You could find the item that fills this need the best is something the sick person already owns and would appreciate having in unfamiliar surroundings.
- If your sick friend is at home, include a tasty meal that he can easily enjoy when hungry. A variety of pre- or partially cooked meals that pop into the refrigerator or freezer for later use can make proper nutrition much more manageable. Fruit, canned soups or a few cookies may be welcome. Check with family members, care providers or the individual to see what items fall on the restricted list.
Reading Material
Something Pretty
Something Cuddly
Tasty Treats