- 1). Remove the plastic lid and any paper from the coffee can. Trace the circle of the coffee can onto the cardboard or poster board. Measure 4 inches away from the coffee can all the way around, and draw another circle. The circle will resemble a tire. Save the inner circle of cardboard.
- 2). Cut the donut circle out of the cardboard. Using the cardboard pattern, cut two of the donut or tire circles out of the black felt material. Glue the black felt on to both sides of the cardboard or posterboard circle. Let it dry.
- 3). Measure all of the way around the coffee can. Measure the height of the coffee can and subtract two inches. Cut an oblong piece of felt according to the measurements you just took. Cut one round circle from the felt, using the inner circle of cardboard you saved.
- 4). Glue the oblong piece of felt around the coffee can. The felt should be flush at the bottom of the can. The top 2 inches of the coffee can should be exposed. Turn the coffee can upside down and glue the round circle of felt to the bottom of the can.