Is thinking of ways to get your ex back keeping you up at night? Do you think about your ex constantly? Do you mark time passing throughout the day by thinking about what your ex would be doing right now? Have you stopped doing things you love to do because you used to do them with your ex? Does your life seem dull and hopeless without your ex in it? Anyone who's been through a break up knows what it's like.
So everyone around you probably has an opinion about what you should do now.
Your friends and family might even be trying to give you advice to help you move on.
But if you know that your ex is the love of your life, it can be tough.
If you want to get your ex back, and you've been putting your life on hold waiting to get back together, then even the thought of moving on can seem scary.
Here's how to turn that energy into a plan that will help you stop wallowing and get your ex back! Give yourself a break.
Don't beat yourself up for how you've felt about the break up.
You still love your ex, and that is perfectly okay.
Just because other people have moved on after a break up it doesn't mean that moving on is right for you and your ex.
You loved each other once, and it's definitely possible that the love is still there.
It's time to commit to getting your ex back so that you aren't immobilized by thinking you need to get over them.
Start putting your life back together.
If you've let yourself go while you were upset over the break up, it's time to get moving.
Get a new outfit, get a new hair cut, do anything you can to make yourself feel great.
You need to get your confidence back so that when you see your ex you feel awesome about yourself and how you look.
Even if you don't feel like it now, you have to make yourself get up, get dressed, and get out into the world.
Have some fun! Go out with your friends.
Do things that make you happy.
You won't be able to get your ex back by sitting in the house all day watching sad movies.
The more you say "yes" to life, the more attractive you will be to your ex every time they see you.
So everyone around you probably has an opinion about what you should do now.
Your friends and family might even be trying to give you advice to help you move on.
But if you know that your ex is the love of your life, it can be tough.
If you want to get your ex back, and you've been putting your life on hold waiting to get back together, then even the thought of moving on can seem scary.
Here's how to turn that energy into a plan that will help you stop wallowing and get your ex back! Give yourself a break.
Don't beat yourself up for how you've felt about the break up.
You still love your ex, and that is perfectly okay.
Just because other people have moved on after a break up it doesn't mean that moving on is right for you and your ex.
You loved each other once, and it's definitely possible that the love is still there.
It's time to commit to getting your ex back so that you aren't immobilized by thinking you need to get over them.
Start putting your life back together.
If you've let yourself go while you were upset over the break up, it's time to get moving.
Get a new outfit, get a new hair cut, do anything you can to make yourself feel great.
You need to get your confidence back so that when you see your ex you feel awesome about yourself and how you look.
Even if you don't feel like it now, you have to make yourself get up, get dressed, and get out into the world.
Have some fun! Go out with your friends.
Do things that make you happy.
You won't be able to get your ex back by sitting in the house all day watching sad movies.
The more you say "yes" to life, the more attractive you will be to your ex every time they see you.