- 1). Add different colored felt. For example: If you are making a ladybug you can add black dots to the wings. Rip off a small portion of roving wool about the size of your fingernail. Roll it into a ball. Place the ball onto your felted object. Press the needle into the small ball until it is felted onto your main piece.
- 2). Apply decorative stitching with a needle and thread. Thread your needle with thread. Tie and knot at the end of the thread. Sew a design by weaving the needle in and out of the felt. Make long and short stitches for contrast. Sew on buttons, beads or fabric to accent your artwork.
- 3). Pull off the excess wisps of wool. Trim edges with scissors to make them more defined. Create lines in the felt. Press your needle into the felt in a line or curve until it starts to dent. This technique is used for creating lines in faces or fruit.