Relationships are fragile to begin with, and these bonds need to be built up and maintained in order to keep them healthy.
Sadly, break ups do happen, and this can be an incredibly painful time in your life.
If your relationship is on the verge of ending or has already ended, you might be thinking that you want to find a way to get back at them because you are angry.
However, this is not usually the best way to handle the situation.
One of the best ways you can get back at your ex will not only put them in an interesting position, but it can also make them realize how important you are to them and can lead to reconciling the relationship also.
These five tips well help you get back at your ex as well as get them back.
Be Strong In other words, don't be needy, this gets really annoying and pushes people away quicker than any other tactic.
You NEED to stop begging, pleading, crying, or clinging to them, you don't want them to see that you are desperate.
When it appears that you have moved on, they will begin to realize they haven't.
Minimize Communication This is a very counterintuitive technique and may not seem to make sense in the moment, but it is one of the most important steps you can take when trying to get back at your ex, or get them back.
Let the dust clear and things settle down for a little while without communicating with your ex.
This allows them to clear their head and realize how important you and their relationship with you really was.
Be Flexible Do not be demanding or forceful with your ex, especially if it involves them moving out.
Don't be demanding in whether or not they can still talk to your friends, that will just cause drama and it shows them an immature side of you.
Instead, be flexible, listen, and sympathize when talking to them.
They will be surprised when you act like this, and will most likely cause them to build the lines of communication that weren't there when the breakup happened.
DO SOMETHING! Get out of the house and go DO SOMETHING! Being alone and dwelling on the situation will only cause more pain and suffering.
Call up friends, go meet new people, hit up a sporting event, the mall, fishing, snowboarding, anything to keep you entertained and get your mind off of the situation.
This will be very therapeutic for you and it will also help convince your ex that they lost more than they realized.
Be Yourself You and your ex started a relationship in the first place, and there must have been a good reason.
So go back to being yourself, let them see and remember what they once had and why they loved you to begin with.
Having that renewed sense of self and confidence will become contagious with your ex.
Sadly, break ups do happen, and this can be an incredibly painful time in your life.
If your relationship is on the verge of ending or has already ended, you might be thinking that you want to find a way to get back at them because you are angry.
However, this is not usually the best way to handle the situation.
One of the best ways you can get back at your ex will not only put them in an interesting position, but it can also make them realize how important you are to them and can lead to reconciling the relationship also.
These five tips well help you get back at your ex as well as get them back.
Be Strong In other words, don't be needy, this gets really annoying and pushes people away quicker than any other tactic.
You NEED to stop begging, pleading, crying, or clinging to them, you don't want them to see that you are desperate.
When it appears that you have moved on, they will begin to realize they haven't.
Minimize Communication This is a very counterintuitive technique and may not seem to make sense in the moment, but it is one of the most important steps you can take when trying to get back at your ex, or get them back.
Let the dust clear and things settle down for a little while without communicating with your ex.
This allows them to clear their head and realize how important you and their relationship with you really was.
Be Flexible Do not be demanding or forceful with your ex, especially if it involves them moving out.
Don't be demanding in whether or not they can still talk to your friends, that will just cause drama and it shows them an immature side of you.
Instead, be flexible, listen, and sympathize when talking to them.
They will be surprised when you act like this, and will most likely cause them to build the lines of communication that weren't there when the breakup happened.
DO SOMETHING! Get out of the house and go DO SOMETHING! Being alone and dwelling on the situation will only cause more pain and suffering.
Call up friends, go meet new people, hit up a sporting event, the mall, fishing, snowboarding, anything to keep you entertained and get your mind off of the situation.
This will be very therapeutic for you and it will also help convince your ex that they lost more than they realized.
Be Yourself You and your ex started a relationship in the first place, and there must have been a good reason.
So go back to being yourself, let them see and remember what they once had and why they loved you to begin with.
Having that renewed sense of self and confidence will become contagious with your ex.