Do you ever find yourself asking your ex's friends whats going on in their life? Or perhaps trying to find out off them if your ex is still interested? Let me tell you why this is one of the worst things you can do if you want to get your ex back.
First off, your ex's friends are going to find it annoying.
You are going to upset them and who do you think your ex listens to? That's right, her friends, and more so now that you two are broken up.
There are other ways to find out what your ex is up to so avoid asking her friends they won't like it, or you.
Also when you are seen pleading for information from people about your ex, you are going to come across as desperate.
No one likes this sort of person around, let alone date them.
We all like to put ourselves above the desperate.
Appearing desperate and weak is a sure fire way to turn your ex off you, and with your ex's friends telling your ex, and maybe exaggerating, just how pathetic you looked, your ex will sort of be forced to avoid you in order not to seem idiotic in front on their friends.
Speaking of which, if you do but your ex's friends, you will just end up the butt of many jokes.
Don't get me wrong, your ex may still love you, but friends are friends and they will laugh at how you are trying to stay in your ex's life.
Does this sound appealing? I didn't think so.
Have you been doing this? Then stop.
It is just making a mess of everything and really hurting your chances of getting back your lover.
The best thing to do now, is to stop contacting them and just use other methods to find out what they are up to.
It's better than continuing with this course of action.
OK, now mutual friends.
Friends you both have.
Don't do it with them either! Mutual friends are a great way to spread word of mouth about you.
If you show them how great your life is now, or how you don't "care" about the break up, whatever, your ex will find out.
Likewise if you are begging them for information too, your ex will find out and you might find yourself a few friends short because of it.
Avoid it too.
I hope it makes sense to you now why you need to leave your ex's friends alone, and also your mutual friends.
Just do a bit of research about what you need to do in order to get informed about your ex.
There are so many out there that don't make you look bad.
Good Luck!
First off, your ex's friends are going to find it annoying.
You are going to upset them and who do you think your ex listens to? That's right, her friends, and more so now that you two are broken up.
There are other ways to find out what your ex is up to so avoid asking her friends they won't like it, or you.
Also when you are seen pleading for information from people about your ex, you are going to come across as desperate.
No one likes this sort of person around, let alone date them.
We all like to put ourselves above the desperate.
Appearing desperate and weak is a sure fire way to turn your ex off you, and with your ex's friends telling your ex, and maybe exaggerating, just how pathetic you looked, your ex will sort of be forced to avoid you in order not to seem idiotic in front on their friends.
Speaking of which, if you do but your ex's friends, you will just end up the butt of many jokes.
Don't get me wrong, your ex may still love you, but friends are friends and they will laugh at how you are trying to stay in your ex's life.
Does this sound appealing? I didn't think so.
Have you been doing this? Then stop.
It is just making a mess of everything and really hurting your chances of getting back your lover.
The best thing to do now, is to stop contacting them and just use other methods to find out what they are up to.
It's better than continuing with this course of action.
OK, now mutual friends.
Friends you both have.
Don't do it with them either! Mutual friends are a great way to spread word of mouth about you.
If you show them how great your life is now, or how you don't "care" about the break up, whatever, your ex will find out.
Likewise if you are begging them for information too, your ex will find out and you might find yourself a few friends short because of it.
Avoid it too.
I hope it makes sense to you now why you need to leave your ex's friends alone, and also your mutual friends.
Just do a bit of research about what you need to do in order to get informed about your ex.
There are so many out there that don't make you look bad.
Good Luck!