- 1). Turn on the Kodak M863 and scroll through the pictures on the camera. Make a mental note of the pictures you want to print.
- 2). Attach the small end of the camera's USB cable to the port on the side of the M863. Connect the large flat end of the USB cable to a free USB port on the side of the Toshiba Satellite laptop.
- 3). Log on to your Toshiba laptop and click "Start." Right-click "My Computer."
- 4). Choose "Explore" from the list and wait for the Windows Explorer window to open. Highlight the drive letter that corresponds to your M863 camera.
- 5). Click "View." Choose "Filmstrip" or "Thumbnails" from the list. That allows you to see full images of the pictures stored on your M863 camera.
- 6). Double-click the first picture you want to print and wait for it to open. Click "File," "Print."
- 7). Use the drop-down box to select the printer you want to use. Click "OK" to start printing the picture.