- 1). Open Photoshop and create the background in which you want the text to appear sunken.
- 2). Click on the "Text" tool. Change the text color to a color that will appear on the background. For example, if the background color is a dark color, set the text as a light gray or white.
- 3). Right-click on the text layer and select "Blending Options."
- 4). Click on "Inner Shadow." Make sure the "Preview" button is selected. Adjust the distance, choke and size to set how deep the text appears.
- 5). Add an outer bevel to refine some of the edges if desired. Click on "Bevel and Emboss." Select "Outer Bevel" from the "Style" drop-down menu. Then, select "Chisel Hard" from the "Technique" drop-down menu. Adjust the depth and size as desired.