- 1). Add your films and videos into iTunes before connecting your iPod. Open iTunes and then click "File" and "Add File to Library." Use the file browser to find locate your films and click "Open" to add files to your library. There's bit of a catch here: iTunes -- and Apple's personal devices, by extension -- only support video files in MOV or MP4 formats. If you films aren't saved as MOV or MP4 files, you will have to convert the files before you can load them to your iPod.
- 2). Click "File" and "Add Folder to Library" to add an entire directory to the iTunes library. Again, the files in the folder need to be compatible with iTunes. Click on "Movies" under "Library" to see all of your video content. ITunes has two categories for videos. "TV Shows" is for episodes of TV shows that you purchase through iTunes; "Movies" is a catchall for everything else, from two-minute clips to feature-length films.
- 3). Connect your iPod using the supplied USB cable and wait a few seconds for iTunes to recognize it. Your device will appear on the left-hand side of iTunes under the heading "Devices." Click on the device to see specific settings for each kind of content. The types of content are displayed along the top of the main pane in iTunes.
- 4). Click the "Movies" tab along the top of iTunes to change the sync settings for loading films to your iPod. Click the check box beside "Sync movies" to change the options. You can choose to sync all of the videos in your "Movies" Library or to manually manage content. If you choose this second option, you can drag selected films from your Movies Library to your device. Otherwise, click "Apply" to confirm your new changes and wait while iTunes syncs the content.