- 1). Open the Start menu, and click "Computer." Double-click the hard drive labeled "C:," or the hard drive that you store most of your data on.
- 2). Right-click one of the folders displayed in the Windows Explorer window, and then click "Properties." In Windows 7 and Windows Vista, the best folders to start with are generally the "Program Files" and "Users" folders.
- 3). Click the "General" tab if it is not selected already, and then examine the value displayed in the window next to "Size." If you see a large value such as "92.5 GB," the folder is a good candidate for you to search for large files.
- 4). Click "OK," and then double-click a folder that displayed a large "Size" value. If this folder contains additional folders, continue checking each folder's properties until you find a large folder that stores files rather than additional folders.
- 5). Right-click an open area of the window, and then click "View" and "Details." Windows displays the size of each file in a column labeled "Size."
- 6). Click the "Size" column, or right-click an open area of the window and then click "Sort by" and "Size" to move the largest files to the top of the window.