Health & Medical Body building

Getting Ripped

Serious Bodybuilders will know all about muscle definition, especially if they are competing in competitions because they would not get anywhere without there muscles being cut to the max.
But what about the rest of us that just want to train with weights to build bigger muscles and create a muscular physique? We are not all looking to be competitive with Bodybuilding.
One of the hardest things to achieve for the amateurs is getting ripped, we work hard in the gym and still we cannot get our muscles to show their face.
Probably the most notorious group of muscles that have a knack of staying hidden are the Abdominal.
There is a reason why this is the case and some of us through no fault of our own go about muscle definition the wrong way.
This is normally because we are told how to do it the wrong way.
Now we are all different and our bodies do respond to different tactics in all kinds of sport, so it is down to experimenting with different ways until we find the one that works for us, that said there are some basic principles.
I have heard someone in a gym being told that to achieve muscle definition they need to lay of the heavy weights and low reps, which we all know builds muscle mass and instead train with lighter weights with higher reps.
How crazy is that, to get big muscles in the first place we need to use heavy weights and low reps, so to reverse this will do nothing for the big muscles we have worked so hard to build.
It certainly is not going to achieve muscle definition.
Muscles are what ever size they are, they are muscles and training any different kind of way with weights is not going to change whether you can see your muscles in definition.
If your muscles are not showing up, then it means one thing, they are covered in a layer of fat, this is why the stomach area is the hardest to shift because this is an easy area for fat to accumulate and the hardest area to shift it.
No matter how many reps you do with light weights they are not going to shift that layer of fat, but it will effect your muscle mass.
So stick with the heavy weights and low reps, but also include in your whole weekly exercise routines some cardiovascular work.
This might mean that you have to cut down on the length of your weight training, but you need to include some running or cycling to burn off some excess calories that are not getting burned off from the weights.
The only way to get ripped is to lower your body fat percentage and this is done through some good quality cardiovascular work.
You will not achieve instant results, but if you keep it up then you will experience the achievement of muscle definition.
As I said before our bodies are different and we all respond to different things, but this is definitely the way to go if you want to get rid of the smooth look and get the ripped look.
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