If you are familiar with bodybuilding you know that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was the all time champion bodybuilder before he became an action hero and movie star.
He's famous for the amazing physique that won him countless awards.
I'm about to reveal his secret workout for building pumped up shoulders.
Arnold had perfect symmetry in the three heads of his deltoid muscles.
Most guys who go to the gym work the front head of their deltoids because it's easier to build them up with heavy bench presses when working the chest.
The problem of course is that the top and back deltoids look puny and can offset your ability to lift bigger weights.
When all three heads are in play, you can lift more weights.
Through years of trial and error, Arnold Schwarzenegger painstakingly worked out the most effective exercises to build his super hero like deltoids.
Here is the list of exercises he found worked their magic on him over the years: To develop the deltoid muscles, he chose the following: * Rotating Arnold presses * Standing dumbbell lateral raises * One -arm cable side laterals * Lying one-arm dumbbell raises * Seated behind the neck presses * Seated dumbbell presses * Seated military front barbell or Smith-machine presses * Standing alternate dumbbell raises * Bent over dumbbell laterals To develop the trapezius muscles, he chose the following: * High pulls * Upright Rows * Shrugs Arnold's goal was to create symmetry as well as size in his deltoids.
The idea is to hit all three heads and then the surrounding upper back muscles.
To get bulk, he often did a warm up set, then superset a heavy weight then cycle down progressively to lesser weights with each set with no rest between.
Give his strategy for building big deltoids a chance; try these exercises for six weeks and see for yourself what Arnold's secret shoulder exercises can do for you.
He's famous for the amazing physique that won him countless awards.
I'm about to reveal his secret workout for building pumped up shoulders.
Arnold had perfect symmetry in the three heads of his deltoid muscles.
Most guys who go to the gym work the front head of their deltoids because it's easier to build them up with heavy bench presses when working the chest.
The problem of course is that the top and back deltoids look puny and can offset your ability to lift bigger weights.
When all three heads are in play, you can lift more weights.
Through years of trial and error, Arnold Schwarzenegger painstakingly worked out the most effective exercises to build his super hero like deltoids.
Here is the list of exercises he found worked their magic on him over the years: To develop the deltoid muscles, he chose the following: * Rotating Arnold presses * Standing dumbbell lateral raises * One -arm cable side laterals * Lying one-arm dumbbell raises * Seated behind the neck presses * Seated dumbbell presses * Seated military front barbell or Smith-machine presses * Standing alternate dumbbell raises * Bent over dumbbell laterals To develop the trapezius muscles, he chose the following: * High pulls * Upright Rows * Shrugs Arnold's goal was to create symmetry as well as size in his deltoids.
The idea is to hit all three heads and then the surrounding upper back muscles.
To get bulk, he often did a warm up set, then superset a heavy weight then cycle down progressively to lesser weights with each set with no rest between.
Give his strategy for building big deltoids a chance; try these exercises for six weeks and see for yourself what Arnold's secret shoulder exercises can do for you.