There are certain things that you need to know about body building, before starting a daily body building regime.
Few pointers are: 1.
Consult your physician, if you are out of shape.
Begin slowly.
Start with the basics.
Be committed to your fitness program.
Check your weight and keep measuring yourself on a regular basis.
Do not start with advanced training.
If you are underweight, do not overwork.
You need to conserve the energy to re-build your torn muscle tissues.
Eat every 3 hours.
Try to eat little food until your body is adjusted to the new food diet.
Below is a 6-meal diet plan, which you need to follow to start toning your body: Meal 1: 1.
4 whole eggs 2.
2 toasted slices of wheat 3.
1 banana 4.
8 oz of fat free milk Meal 2: 1.
1 can of tuna 2.
Whole wheat bread 3.
Low fat Mayo 4.
Green salad 5.
1 orange 6.
8oz of fat free milk Meal 3: 1.
1 tablespoon of peanut butter 2.
Protein shake 3.
2 scoops of protein powder 4.
2 whole eggs, 1 scoop of ice cream Meal 4: 1.
Chicken or fish 2.
1 baked potato 3.
1 cup of fiber rich vegetables 4.
8oz of fat free milk Meal 5: 1.
1 chicken breast 2.
1 tablespoon of olive oil Meal 6: 1.
A protein drink 2.
1 tablespoon of peanut butter In addition, you need to drink a minimum of 1 gallon of water everyday for body building purposes.
Workout three days a week and take rest the following three days.
Reduce outside activities to avoid extra burning of calories.
Other things to remember: 1.
Avoid junk food 2.
Do not miss your workouts 3.
Do not move away from your routine.
Train hard 5.
Be consistent 6.
Stick to the diet plan 7.
Do not start your workout with advanced training.
Benefits Of Body Building: 1.
Dedication: The first important benefit of body building is dedication.
This helps an individual in different aspects of life.
Dedication towards your workout is the first step, which boosts the ability to accomplish different aspects of your life.
Confidence: The second benefit of body building is to be confident.
People who are confident can attain the goals that they set for themselves, which is very important in life 3.
Strengthen your willpower: When you exercise to build your body muscles, you not only build the body muscles, but also build the most vital muscle in the body that is the heart.
You require a lot of willpower to train yourself in the right direction.
Next, strengthening your willpower is very important in body building.
Supplements Of Body Building: Cytosport Cytomax: It is an energy drink for cyclists, athletes and hard-core bodybuilders.
Lipoderm Ultras: It is a fat burning gel, which helps in reduction of fats in the body.
Stated below are some of the protein supplements, which are best bodybuilding: 1.
Muscle Milk protein 2.
100% Whey protein 3.
100% egg protein 4.
Anator P70 5.
Optimum Pro complex protein To end, all these factors will contribute toward your bodybuilding efforts.
Few pointers are: 1.
Consult your physician, if you are out of shape.
Begin slowly.
Start with the basics.
Be committed to your fitness program.
Check your weight and keep measuring yourself on a regular basis.
Do not start with advanced training.
If you are underweight, do not overwork.
You need to conserve the energy to re-build your torn muscle tissues.
Eat every 3 hours.
Try to eat little food until your body is adjusted to the new food diet.
Below is a 6-meal diet plan, which you need to follow to start toning your body: Meal 1: 1.
4 whole eggs 2.
2 toasted slices of wheat 3.
1 banana 4.
8 oz of fat free milk Meal 2: 1.
1 can of tuna 2.
Whole wheat bread 3.
Low fat Mayo 4.
Green salad 5.
1 orange 6.
8oz of fat free milk Meal 3: 1.
1 tablespoon of peanut butter 2.
Protein shake 3.
2 scoops of protein powder 4.
2 whole eggs, 1 scoop of ice cream Meal 4: 1.
Chicken or fish 2.
1 baked potato 3.
1 cup of fiber rich vegetables 4.
8oz of fat free milk Meal 5: 1.
1 chicken breast 2.
1 tablespoon of olive oil Meal 6: 1.
A protein drink 2.
1 tablespoon of peanut butter In addition, you need to drink a minimum of 1 gallon of water everyday for body building purposes.
Workout three days a week and take rest the following three days.
Reduce outside activities to avoid extra burning of calories.
Other things to remember: 1.
Avoid junk food 2.
Do not miss your workouts 3.
Do not move away from your routine.
Train hard 5.
Be consistent 6.
Stick to the diet plan 7.
Do not start your workout with advanced training.
Benefits Of Body Building: 1.
Dedication: The first important benefit of body building is dedication.
This helps an individual in different aspects of life.
Dedication towards your workout is the first step, which boosts the ability to accomplish different aspects of your life.
Confidence: The second benefit of body building is to be confident.
People who are confident can attain the goals that they set for themselves, which is very important in life 3.
Strengthen your willpower: When you exercise to build your body muscles, you not only build the body muscles, but also build the most vital muscle in the body that is the heart.
You require a lot of willpower to train yourself in the right direction.
Next, strengthening your willpower is very important in body building.
Supplements Of Body Building: Cytosport Cytomax: It is an energy drink for cyclists, athletes and hard-core bodybuilders.
Lipoderm Ultras: It is a fat burning gel, which helps in reduction of fats in the body.
Stated below are some of the protein supplements, which are best bodybuilding: 1.
Muscle Milk protein 2.
100% Whey protein 3.
100% egg protein 4.
Anator P70 5.
Optimum Pro complex protein To end, all these factors will contribute toward your bodybuilding efforts.