If you're in the northern hemisphere you don't have a whole lot of time to get in shape again before summer gets here.
Now is the time to get started and I'd like to share with you some tips that will help.
While these tips aren't everything you need to do to lose weight, they'll give you a really good start.
Tip #1- The first tip is to make sure you're doing the right exercises.
Most people just do a bunch of sit-ups and wonder why they can't see they're abs.
You'll never get nice abs if you don't use some kind of weight during your exercise.
You use weights for every other part so it's important that you use weight when doing your abs.
All you have to do is grab a 10-pound weight and try to do 10 crunches.
Add more resistance the easier it gets and do around 4 sets.
Tip #2- The next tip is to eat 6 meals each day that contain between 300-400 calories.
If you're eating meals of 400 calories and still gaining weight try and drop each meal by 10 calories and see what happens.
After a couple of weeks you'll get to see exactly how many calories you need to cut to lose weight.
Start off by eating foods that are high in protein such as nuts, cottage cheese, poultry, fish, and any other type of lean meat.
Tip #3- The last tip is to get on a healthy exercise program.
If you're really out of shape start off slowly on the treadmill just by walking.
Then as you build up stamina you'll eventually start jogging or running.
You'll be impressed at the progress you make just by doing this 3-4 times per week for 30-40 minute intervals.
You'll have more energy and more confidence than ever before.
Now is the time to get started and I'd like to share with you some tips that will help.
While these tips aren't everything you need to do to lose weight, they'll give you a really good start.
Tip #1- The first tip is to make sure you're doing the right exercises.
Most people just do a bunch of sit-ups and wonder why they can't see they're abs.
You'll never get nice abs if you don't use some kind of weight during your exercise.
You use weights for every other part so it's important that you use weight when doing your abs.
All you have to do is grab a 10-pound weight and try to do 10 crunches.
Add more resistance the easier it gets and do around 4 sets.
Tip #2- The next tip is to eat 6 meals each day that contain between 300-400 calories.
If you're eating meals of 400 calories and still gaining weight try and drop each meal by 10 calories and see what happens.
After a couple of weeks you'll get to see exactly how many calories you need to cut to lose weight.
Start off by eating foods that are high in protein such as nuts, cottage cheese, poultry, fish, and any other type of lean meat.
Tip #3- The last tip is to get on a healthy exercise program.
If you're really out of shape start off slowly on the treadmill just by walking.
Then as you build up stamina you'll eventually start jogging or running.
You'll be impressed at the progress you make just by doing this 3-4 times per week for 30-40 minute intervals.
You'll have more energy and more confidence than ever before.