So you want to get a six pack fast huh? Did you know that six pack abs are the number one symbol of sex appeal to both men and women? But only 2-3% of the population have them.
Thats a pretty discouraging number but you can be one of them.
You just have to learn the right way to get them.
One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to build a six pack is to spend too much time on abdominal workouts.
Contrary to what most people believe, ab workouts DO NOT burn fat.
They only build and tone your abdominal muscles.
So if you have fat covering those muscles, those ab workouts are not helping you at all.
You have probably seen all of those infomercials pushing ab lounges and ab rollers but the truth is that these products are pretty much worthless if you have stomach fat.
The only way to get your abs to show is to get your body fat down to about 8-10%.
This can only be done through a good diet and good exercise.
This is the reason most people will never see their abs.
They just don't have the dedication to be able to stick to a good workout and diet plan.
But for those who do, the results are well worth it.
So in conclusion, if you want to get abs fast, stop focusing so much effort on those ab workouts.
Plan out a good diet and do some cardio.
Once you burn that fat away, those abs will show.
Thats a pretty discouraging number but you can be one of them.
You just have to learn the right way to get them.
One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to build a six pack is to spend too much time on abdominal workouts.
Contrary to what most people believe, ab workouts DO NOT burn fat.
They only build and tone your abdominal muscles.
So if you have fat covering those muscles, those ab workouts are not helping you at all.
You have probably seen all of those infomercials pushing ab lounges and ab rollers but the truth is that these products are pretty much worthless if you have stomach fat.
The only way to get your abs to show is to get your body fat down to about 8-10%.
This can only be done through a good diet and good exercise.
This is the reason most people will never see their abs.
They just don't have the dedication to be able to stick to a good workout and diet plan.
But for those who do, the results are well worth it.
So in conclusion, if you want to get abs fast, stop focusing so much effort on those ab workouts.
Plan out a good diet and do some cardio.
Once you burn that fat away, those abs will show.