- 1). The common signs and symptoms of carbon dioxide (CO) gas poisoning are headaches that gradually becomes worse over time as more CO gas accumulates in the confined space or room the he house or office, dizziness, blurry vision ,weakness. The person will later complain of nausea and vomiting, chest pain and eventually difficulty in breathing. In severe cases of CO poisoning the person become disorientated and confused and eventually lose consciousness. If you suspect you have CO poisoning you should seek immediate medical attention.
- 2). Implementing some safety measures and precautions in the house will help prevent cases of Co poisoning. You can purchase CO monitors or alarms at most hardware or specialty stores. They function just like fire alarms by detecting CO gas in the air and setting off an alarm signal. Install an alarm in every level of the house and especially in rooms where gas or kerosene heaters are used. Alarms should be replaced every 3 to 4 years.
- 3). regularly check your heaters and appliance s in the house to see that they are not faulty and are installed properly. Ensure that there are adequate ventilation , venting and air supply to the house and rooms.
- 4). Do not use charcoal barbecue in the house or a confined environment and don't leave kerosene heaters or gas heaters on overnight. NEVER leave the car engine running in a close garage as the CO gas expelled form the exhaust will build up rapidly in the confined area.