- A low-carb, higher-protein approach has been consistently found to cause the most weight loss in the least amount of time. In a May 2003 New England Journal of Medicine study that compared Atkins against a "conventional" higher-carb diet, members of the Atkins group lost, on average, more than twice as much weight at both the three- and six-month markers (14.7 lbs versus 5.8 lbs and 15.2 lbs versus 6.9 lbs, respectively). This means that if you are looking to lose roughly 15 to 20 pounds in less than six months, a low-carb approach is your best bet.
- To duplicate the results of the study, it makes sense to use the same diet. To follow the Atkins plan, you must first endure the 14-day induction period. During this time, keep your daily carb intake to under 20g. After the 14-day period, your body will have switched over to using fat for fuel, so you can safely increase your daily carb limit to 40g and reintroduce fruits and veggies into your diet. Remain at the 40g/day carb limit until you are five pounds from your target weight. At that point, increase carbs slowly until you are losing no more than one pound a week. When you reach your target weight, increase carbs again until you find your own personal set point--the number of daily carbs that causes you to neither gain nor lose weight.
- The South Beach Diet is another popular low-carb solution. A two-week induction period is also required here, but you need not keep your carbs quite as low as on the Atkins diet. During the induction, consume no fruits, whole grains or alcohol. Instead, focus your diet on meat, eggs, chicken, turkey and seafood. After the initial two-week period the diet becomes less restrictive--you may then include fruits and moderate amounts of whole grains, but remember to still make protein and fat consumption the bulk of your diet.
- Another popular low-carb choice is the Paleo Diet. The Paleo Diet is modeled after the eating patterns of our prehistorical ancestors. To follow this diet, eliminate consumption of all grains, beans, potatoes, dairy, sugar and salt. Instead, eat only meat, eggs, fish, chicken, nuts, berries, fruit and veggies. This diet is not so much "low-carb" as "carb-restrictive," but limiting your carb intake to fruits and veggies will eliminate the potential for fat gain from carbs.
- No matter which low-carb solution you choose, so long as you are consistent and diligent, you can certainly replicate the results of the study above. Thus, within three months you can expect to lose roughly 15 pounds, which will certain bring you that much closer to your dream body and sustainable health. Just remember that any diet will always work best with a structured and rigorous plan of exercise, so do not shirk your workouts if you want to reach your goals.
Low-Carb Superiority
South Beach
Paleo Diet