Health & Medical Healthy Living

How to Create & Operate a Health and Safety Policy

    • 1). Appoint a safety director and safety committee.This committee will meet each month, but more so during the initial start-up phase. The committee should include members of management, human resources, maintenance department and at least one average worker. The committee will be responsible for writing and implementing the safety program and reporting their progress, both to upper management as well as the general workforce.

    • 2). Have the safety director complete a job risk assessment. This will involve written procedures for each job function within the facility. The assessment will include any unique safety risk and measures associated with the position. This should include specialized training and a list of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) required for the position.

    • 3). Keep these assessments on file, along with training materials and training documentation, and review them periodically for changes in the job functions or procedures.

    • 4). Document all safety requirements and procedures for the entire facility. This must include fire safety and evacuation, first aid, severe weather policy, machine operator safety, hand tool safety, welding safety and fall protection. Each area of the company will have unique situations which must be dealt with on an individual basis. When completed, the procedures, policies and training requirements will be put together to form the health and safety plan for the facility.

    • 5). Schedule all training and carefully document it. All forklift operators must be certified to operate a machine. Anyone working over four feet off the ground will need to be trained in fall protection. All personnel should take part in a severe weather drill as well as a fire drill. Document these events and record which employees were present for the drills. All workers should be trained to some extent on the proper use of MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets), HAZCOM (Hazardous Communication) and blood-borne pathogen safety.

    • 6). Train first responders. These individuals should be trained in emergency first aid as well as CPR. If your facility can afford an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator), these individuals also should be trained on it.

    • 7). Post a list of first responders, and how they may be contacted, in conspicuous locations throughout the facility. It is best if first responders work throughout the facility and are not located in one central area.

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